21|| Revenge.

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THE NEXT DAY WAS incredibly boring for Rosalind who'd already covered all of her school work.

That Sunday was mostly spent either in the library, or by the Great Lake with Willow, Fionna and Malcolm. The new couple seemed to enjoy Willow and her's company, deciding to spend the afternoon with them.

It was surprisingly a somewhat sunny day, so the quartet decided to take advantage of that and hang out outdoors, before the sun would set and they would be bathed in the coldness of the night.

Rosalind lay on the crusty grass as she listened silently to her friends' conversation. A shiver made its way to her body as a cold breeze sweeped over them.

"..and well, he was a great friend really. I'm failing most of my classes without him." Willow sniffled, trying hard to hold back her tears. Rosalind rubbed her friend's back comfortingly, as Fionna and Malcolm gave the redhead pitiful glances.

It seemed that for the past few days, Willow had nothing to talk about other than Oliver. Rosalind didn't blame her though, she must've been devastated.

And the French blonde pretty much felt the same way. Oliver was her friend too, but she just chose to keep her emotions to herself. It wasn't necessary for them to know of her inner grief.

"Don't say'was'. You're speaking as if he's dead. He's not, Willow. He is going to be cured and back to normal very soon, trust me." Malcolm tried to reassure the redhead, who just nodded in order not to push them into a further argument.

"Oh come on, I've got something that would hopefully cheer you up," Rosalind said suddenly, getting up to her feet. Willow looked up at her friend with furrowed eyebrows, not bothering to hide her confusion.

"What's the point in buying pranking products without actually using them?" Rosalind grinned cheekily at her friend whose face immediately morphed into a wicked smirk.

"Oh no, don't you two dare! Don't force me to deduct house points from Ravenclaw!" Malcolm protested, channeling his inner 'Glorious Head Boy' personality.

Rosalind raised her eyebrows, "Don't be such a killjoy, Urquhart," She rolled her eyes, purposely using his last name.

"Shh.. You never saw us," Rosalind whispered as she smirked, offering Willow a hand which the latter took gratefully.

The two girls trudged off towards the castle, leaving behind a startled couple, bewildered by their rebellious actions.

"Come on, there're a few victims in my mind right now." Rosalind muttered, making Willow giggle as they almost jogged up to the Ravenclaw tower to retrieve the pranking products.


"Do you really think he'll want to help us?" Willow asked nervously, looking around the hallway of the third floor. They've been searching for so long for Peeves the Poltergeist, hoping that he would agree to help them with their plans. Obviously, he was the most suitable person –more like ghost– for the job.

"Of course he would, it's Peeves for Merlin's sake. He's all about pranking," And just as Rosalind finished her sentence, they stood still in their tracks as they watched the horrifying scene unfold: Peeves hovering above a first year who's covered from head to toe in a sticky substance.

The little boy was bawling as Peeves screeched with laughter.

"Ha, got ya! Ickle Sammy stinks! Ickle Sammy stinks! Ickle Sammy stinks!" Peeves went on and on, mockingly circling the first year who'd lost control of his moping.

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