No one steals my baby, No one!

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"Sweet it is, on the high seas, the winds are lashing the waters, to gaze from the land on another's struggle." - Lucretius

Living on a ship that sailed through the open seas of Africa challenged the daily lives of the Callis family

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Living on a ship that sailed through the open seas of Africa challenged the daily lives of the Callis family. Members of the crew could easily drown if they were not careful, for maintaining the ship day in and day out wasn't something they could neglect.

Yet, Nathaniel Callis made sure that his little girl was in good hands with his men. For he was their captain and anyone who would hurt his Jasmine would suffer the ultimate punishment, and that was to walk the plank. Thus, his crew hardly ever thought of disobeying him and kept their eyes on the mischievous girl who would run around the ship as if it were a playground.

Jasmine's mother was never revealed, but the men predicted that it was one of the women the Captain fondled with when they landed at the dock near the town's edge

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Jasmine's mother was never revealed, but the men predicted that it was one of the women the Captain fondled with when they landed at the dock near the town's edge. And through word of mouth, the father learned about his baby's birth. The selfish Captain then decided to snatch his daughter out of greed.

Captain Callis was a ladies man who didn't have time for a wife, but he'd take what was rightfully his and an heir to carry on his legacy was what he wanted. Although he wished for a boy, baby Jasmine would do. The captain didn't want to leave his legacy to his men, for he didn't believe they were honest enough to earn his trust.

Screams were heard from the brothel when the little girl was discovered to be missing. The presence of a young dashing man clutching the toddler's hand startled the women, but they were clueless on how to fight a handsome man with a razor-sharped sword. And to attack the Captain in dresses and girdles was rather ridiculous. The women soon toppled over each other or fell down into the muddy dirt when they chased him outside, and soon they were left with tears of agony.

And soon Captain Callis set sail for the high seas as his men helped him board their pirate ship once they reached the end of the Petersburgh shore. With a crying baby clutching her doll in her hands, Nathaniel left a distressed mother behind, as he smirked in victory.

The doll Jasmine held was given to her by an old woman who helped her mother during pregnancy. And this midwife told Jasmine's mother that it would protect her daughter no matter where she was and do harm to those who would do her wrong no matter what the circumstances were.

Of course, the mother, who shared the same name as the doll, didn't believe in such foolishness but despite her beliefs, she gave her baby the figurine to play with.

Little did she know her soul would come in handy as Prue would soon sink a ship full of men as her vendetta never ended.

Little did she know her soul would come in handy as Prue would soon sink a ship full of men as her vendetta never ended

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A Year later

Soaring the high seas, little Jasmine held her doll tight. "Prue! Prue! Protect Papa and mi Uncas."

Seeing his men working hard with the sails and the hull of the ship, the Captain let out a loud and unrestrained burst of laughter.

In his deep pirate brawl, he corrected her. "The word is 'uncles' my dear!" Pointing toward the closest worker near him, he introduced his daughter to him.

"Aye! See Jasmine, this Uncle Ben and ..."

A tidal wave interrupted him as it came rushing in and was headed toward the bow of the ship. Dark clouds began to form and rain began to pour from afar.

The men weren't expecting a storm that night, but Mother Nature could certainly change her mind. The Captain didn't even have time to warn his men to head for shelter, as the wisps of the waves came crashing in.

And with this, the Captain ran to steer the ship away from the wild waters of Poseidon's ocean, but it was too late. The misted waters swallowed up the ship and its occupants, yet, the unique doll was saved. It saved Jasmine's body and cried before her body by laying her head upon it before the ship toppled over.

Prue, now in her human form, had to keep Jasmine alive. And she would do anything to keep her legacy alive!

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