Chapter 6- Jealous

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Again jin hasn't showed himself in days!!! I really want to help him so he can move on...

I sat in bed wishing i could talk to him. I wonder if he is here and not showing himself? Like where did he actually go anyway? I found calling his name out "Jin" but no response. I can't get out of my heard touching his hand! How did it happen and will it happen again. I laid down and snugged my head in to my pillows. Just as I closed my eyes i felt the cold air in my face.

I shouldn't be happy but I was.

I opened my eyes and jin was laying next to me. "jin" So relived that he finally showed himself. He half smiled at me back. "where have you been" i asked. He shrugged. "here and there" he sighed.

"whats there?" I asked. "black..its just black and full of lost souls like me" he was sad. "oh jin" i said and with out thinking i went to touch his face but my hand went though him. I stared at him for ages awkwardly and he stared back at me just as awkward.

"I'm glad you moved in" he said breaking the awkward silence. "why?" I asked even thou i already knew why. "i thought i was going to be alone for ever, But i wont be alone forever. I have you" he smiled.

My heart fluttered but i knew i shouldn't feel that way for him. Hes a ghost...A ghost of a murdered boy.

"if your friends knew you was here they would be happy" i sighed. "do they still remember me" he asked and i nodded. "i miss them" he sighed. "how about i invite them over" I smiled. He shacked his head. "i cant leave this room" he sighed looking up at the ceiling. "because its where you died?" I said and he nodded. That makes alot of sense.

"they can come in here" i said sitting up. "i cant show myself to more then one at a time" he said. "then i will talk for you" i said and he sat up next to me. "will it work?" he asked. "or you can show yourself to one at a time" i said and he shacked his head. "the last image of me was a nice one. i cant let them see me like this. its not like i can change my clothes" he looked upset and i nodded.

I grabbed my phone "stop" He said attempting to push my phone out of my hand. "thats alot of boys in your room will your mum approve" he asked. i raised a eye brow "i will make sure my brothers here so she wont mind." i smile. "Can we not invite them yet. Can we wait a bit. I dont think im ready to tell them how weak i was" he looked down. "You arent weak and they would never think this. Are you sure? i can text now" I asked and he nodded. "I will text them later" I smiled and laid down and he stared at me.

"Minjee" he said softly. "Yes?" I replied. "What does my face look like?" He asked and I didn't reply, how do I tell him about the bruises. "Bad?" He replied. I shacked my head. "You have a bruise and some cuts. But your still the most handsome person" I smiled trying to make him feel a dad better.

"My face was handsome" he smiled. "Was? I'm staring at it right now and it's still handsome" I grinned and I could see he was blushing. "Let's talk about you" he said. "Why" I laughed.

We laid facing each other "How long have you been with that boy?" He asked. "I'm not with Kihyun" I laughed. "I saw you!!" He looked me straight in the eyes i had to be honest. "We dated 2 years? And we stopped when I moved" I half smiled. "Did you have sex?" He asked. "Bit personal" I laughed with a embarrassed tone. "That's a yes" he smiled. "Actually no. We did other stuff but didn't go all the way" I shrugged and blushed quickly putting the cover of my head. I could hear him laugh at me. I love that sound..

"You have time" he said. "Huh" "I never got to do anything " he looked down. "I'm sorry" I felt bad for him. "Can't be helped right? I died when I was 17. I'm sure I would have if I was alive" he smirked. I liked this side of him. "Course you would have been a animal" we both burst out laughed.

"Do you have a type?" He was still smiling when he asked this. "Brown eyes, dark hair... plush lips..broad shoulder... tall... handsome" I clearly was explaining him. It isn't a lie thou he is my type hence whyI'm creepily displaying his photo on my shelve!

He grinned at me. "He sounds gorgeous" he grinned. "Oh he really is" we both laughed. I reached out to him I so wanted to touch him!  I attempted to touch his cheek and I swear I felt something. He shivered and closed his eyes. He attempted to grab my hand but nothing. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"Holding my hand was a fluck" I could tell how upset he was. i was upset to. "I know" I had to agree I can't lie.. he both went quiet.

"Jin" I said and I leaned up leaning on my arm as i looked down at him as he was now on his back facing the ceiling. His eyes were tightly shut and I could see the wetness off his eye lashes. "I wish I could take your pain away" I sighed. "It hurts" he replied with tears streaming down his cheek.

I carried on looking at him. He was perfect. He was so close but still so far. I can't hug him or stroke him. "I wish .. I could hold you" I said and he opened his eyes revealing his puffy red eyes. "Do you mean it?" he said shocked. "I just told you my type is you and your questioning if I would hug you" I smirked and he smiled. "Not because you feel sorry for me right?" He asked me. I didn't think about that. "I wont lie to you ever. I do feel sorry for you. But I do mean this. I wish i could hold you." The smiles left our faces.  "Thank you" he said. "For?" I asked. "Telling me what I want to hear" he closed his eyes again.

"Think of the energy you used to knock over my books" surely if he could do that he can do more? "Ok?" He replied holding his eyes shut. I don't know if this will work.. but I'm going to try.. "Keep thinking of how jealous you was" I said as i closed my eyes and leaned down and pressed my lips onto his. And to my surprise I could feel them! He must be channelling the same energy like knocking the books. I pressed down more. He kissed me back.. this was actually happening! I was kissing him? And I could feel it! So can he.

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