Chapter 3- The journal

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Once home we said goodbye to our friends and went inside. I ran up to my room and could I hear Jungkook telling mum all about Seokjin and what happened in my room. I ran over to the photo of him and looked at it. He was so happy.

"why would you kill yourself?" i said out loud. "I wish i knew"  someone said softly with a sigh. But I turned and no one was there! It's got to be Jungkook messing with me.

"Jungkook?" i said but he wasn't there? I placed the photo frame back on the shelve and sat on the bed, taking off my socks. I sat their starring at the photo on the shelve remembering what they said about Seokjin being like before he killed himself.

I wonder if his journal will tell me more. I took it from the draw, looking at it arguing with myself bout invading the dead boys space.

"Nosy" i heard next to me causing me to jump as well as dropped the journal and looked around.But yet again no one was there? what is this?

I took the journal and went downstairs. "Oh hun i really didn't no about the boy lived here" mum said as i came into the kitchen. "It's okay" i shrugged and sat on a stall. "We can swap rooms?" mum asked with a smile trying to help the situation."It's fine I like my room" I sighed. She shrugged and turned around carrying on cooking. "What's that" Jungkook said coming in and throwing himself in the stall next to me.

"Oi you! Stop trying to make me jump! If i find you in my room or on the stairs doing crap like that again you see my fist im going to-" I ranted loudly holding out my fist. "Hold onto your knickers! I haven't done shit" He said angrily back. "Language" Mum said still facing the cooker. Jungkook glared at me.

So we do what we always do and Im sure every siblings do...We start slapping each other closing our eyes. Like some pathetic poor excuses for animals. "Stop it!" Mum said calmly not even turning to see what we was doing. She knows us to well!

When she did eventually turn around she saw the journal in my hand. "Oh hun, the boy killed himself journal? this could be really depressing." mum said putting her hand on my shoulder. "yeah do you really wanna read what this stranger writes? i mean wrote" Jungkook said as he took the book off me jumping off the stall holding it above his head. "i do! i want to understand" i jumped off the stall jumping around trying to get the journal off my little brother who happened to be taller then me! He took great pleasure in watching me struggle!  "give it to me now?" i shouted as he put his free hand on my forehead pushing me back. "Or you will what?" He smirked! "I will shove my fist so far up your-" I screamed at him whilst still jumping around trying to get it off him."MINJEE" mum shouted at me interrupting me.

I stopped jumping as i was completely shattered. Jungkook smirked and bent down. "Give up?" He said grinning like the Cheshire cat letting his guard down for a split second. I grabbed the journal out of his hand and legged it. He chased me up the stairs as i screamed. "Stop screaming" mum shouted. BANG "STOP SLAMMING DOORS" she shouted at us.

I ran into my room and throw myself onto my bed. Sweaty and shattered. I got up and took off my clothes and let them scatter the floor.

"Fuck" Said a faint voice. I turned around and no one was there.  Seriously? I'm hearing things. I went in and had a shower. Singing as loud as i can.  I reached out and grabbed the towel off the open door knob. Wrapping it around myself and stepped out of the steamy bathroom. Once dried I got into my pjs and got into bed. I picked my phone up and set my alarm for school. I laid for a bit reading messages from my new friends chat group which my brother was also now in. It felt weird sharing friends with my brother I must admit! Its going to take a lot of getting used to.

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