Chapter 4 - Whose Room?

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I had not seen jin for a few days. So clearly i did dream that?

I went to the coffee shop with Namjoon, Hobi, Nari and Yoongi. I had not told them about what i think i saw. They knew jin personally and i didn't want them to think i was making shit up to fit in. That would be sick of me....

"your brother seems so into Sohee" Namjoon smirked. "yeah he's really smittened" I said with a grin looking at Hobi. "yeah she's the same" He sighed playing with his drink. "problem?" i asked feeling a bit defensive to be honest. "my little sister and a boy isn't a nice thought" He said and everyone laughed. "Trust me she's safe with jungkook. Hes a good one. He actually puts down the toilet seat after using it" i said putting my hand on Hobi's shoulder. "That alone makes him a keeper" Nari said whilst laughing. Yoongi glared at her as she laughed more. "yeah he seems it" Hobi said as he smiled at me.

After we said goodbye to the others and I walked with Hobi home. "hobi, do you believe in ghost?" I asked wondering if I should tel him. "i think so, why?" He asked me. "Just wondering" I shrugged and coughed.

"For a moment i thought you was going to say you seen Jins ghost" He said with a nervous laugh. "What? wait...Hobi have you seen him?" We both stopped outside my house and he looked up at the attic window.

"Sometimes i walk past and i swear i see him looking at me" He looked sad. I didn't reply and looked up at the window...Jin..was there. I looked at Hobi about to say he's there but Hobi was looking to and didn't react? I then remembered he said he only has the strength to show himself to one person at a time.

"Do you think he would have killed himself?" i asked him softly. He shacked rapidly. "No" he said and looked at me with pain in his eyes. Hobi knew more...he just wasn't saying. "please, i want to understand" i asked. "he's gone and thats all there is" he looked upset. "but i want to know more about him" i asked. "why? he's dead you will never met him" Hobi looked like he was going to cry. I reached out and put my arms around him. "I'm so sorry, i was wrong. I didn't think" i said calmly in his ear. He gripped me in his hug and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"its okay. you just want to know more about the boy that lived there. i get it" he said and we broke apart. I nodded. "Jin was amazing. He was smart, funny, good looking and the most caring person. The group hasn't been the same with out him" Hobi looked down and i took his hand.

"But?" I said eager to hear more. "But there was times he would be sad and not talk. We thought it was just fazes he went though" He shrugged and still looking down at his feet. "when did they start?" i asked looking up at the window. "when his stepdad moved in" he sighed. I looked back at Hobi...I then remembered what i had read in Jins journal.His step dad.. I looked back up at the window were my eyes met Jins.

"thank you for walking me home" i smiled and let go of his hand. "i see you monday?" he smiled clearly happy about the subject change. I hugged him and went inside. I went to close the door and noticed Hobi was looking up at my window...i mean Jins window. I think he could see Jin? I closed the door and ran upstairs (not taking my shoes off). I ran up the stairs to the attic.

And There he was looking out the window. I walked slowly up behind him and looked again at the blood at the back of his head. Its like he was hit from behind.."Jin" I said softly and he turned and looked at me. He was so sad..I dropped my bag on the floor and got closer to him. I'm sure I'm awake! This can't be a dream. I looked out to see Hobi was now walking away. "they all miss you so much" i said. "i miss them" Jin said with a heartbroken tone. "Jin..did your stepdad...did he.." i couldn't get it out. "yes" Jin said with tears streaming down his face. "could you tell me what happened" i asked as gently as i could. I reached out to touch his face but my hand went straight throw him. He looked at me with his blood shoot eyes. Just looking at him crying broke my heart. I began to cry to.

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