Chapter 1- The Room

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This was the first time we have ever moved house and my gosh i wish it was over!

My parents were on edge and they argued over the smallest thing! Its pretty draining as you can imagine.

You see my mum didn't really want to move she loved our home as well as the area in which she lived in all her life, but dad's company was relocating and down sizing. It was either this or be homeless basically as their was no way we could afford our old house or even the travel expense. So she has to suck it up!

I personally didn't mind moving. Even thou I'm in my final year of high school and exams as well as other stuff. I am always open for a new adventure.  Its going to be so different here then the city, and to be honest I'm excited!

Our new house was  extremely nice!!! as well as being so much Bigger then our old house and we have a huge garden. Which I'm excited to go and explore! One thing that I'm confused and totally shocked by is how my parents got such a good deal? Houses like this surely would be worth hell of a lot more money then which my parents paid. So whats the deal? Is it haunted? Shitty town?

Well anyway I helped take boxes off the removal lorry and inside. I put them on the hallway floor because the dining room was to much effort. Yes it was only like a few steps more away but im a teenager..thats alot.

I went back and forth a few times before i got tired. But on the other hand My little brother Jungkook was on a roll! He was so fast at getting boxes and bringing them in. For a guy that thinks looking for a remote was hard work....

"Calm down boy" i shouted after him as he ran out the door.  "I cant mum said the quicker we get it done the quicker i can set up the xbox" he said whilst he was panting away. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Xbox..I should have known.

I sighed  "i will start taking our boxes upstairs"  i then bent down picking up a box. It was pretty light i could have easily put another one on top. But nah....Effort..

I walked up the dusty stair case and to the landing. I then opened the first door. It was empty and big. "MUM WHOS ROOM IS WHOS" I shouted. "Coming" she shouted back at me from down stairs. Then I could hear her run up the stairs. "This is Jungkooks room" She smiled. "handy as I have one of his boxes here". I went in and placed the box of jungkooks things against the wall taking a look out the window at our large garden.

"Wheres mine?" I asked whilst i clapped with excitement.  She then opened the next door "This is mine and dads" she said with a smile.

"Cool...but I kinda asked where mine was" i said with a pretty sassy tone along with a hella sassy hand gesture! Which caused mum to laugh which was I think could be the first time today (points to me).

She opened a small door and there was stairs. "I'm up there?" I looked at the narrow staircase which tatty posters on the wall. It was like looking at some scary staircase from a horror movie. I looked at her to see her casually nodding as if she didn't see what i did...

"Well your older now and need more space. There's also a small bathroom up there to" she says this but I really don't think I agree..Yeah i may have moaned in the past about sharing a room with my smelly younger brother.  "I might have to pass and share with the brother. Thank you so much for considering me". Mum laughed as i walked backwards. She then grabs my arm and pushes me to walk up the stairs first.

I walked pretty slowly up the creaking stairs. One at the top looked around at the large room which had a few boxes. The creepy stairs really didn't match the room.

"Whats all this?" I asked her as if she knew. "The old owners didn't clear it out" Mum said with a shrugged. Being Nosey people we went over and opened one of said boxes. I took out some old text books. "Oh these are text books! Pretty handy" I said as i waved them at her. "I'm sure there's nothing personal in them as well. So we can sort them and Get rid of things we don't need" She said as she got out another book and I agreed. She then got up and opened the curtains. the sun now lite up the room. I gasped at the Cream walls and slopped ceiling. I loved it, it has so much character! i got up and opened the corner door to find a toilet, small shower (when i say small i mean small! there was like no shower door! it was like the room was a shower with a random toilet with sink).

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