Chapter Twenty-Six-The Van

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I told Roxxii the plan quickly, explaining all of the small things I had planned out. All the rest we'd have to just have to go with the flow, but as far as getting out of the van, we had it down.

"Okay. Got it." Roxxii nodded. "I'm so excited to finally get out of these chains. It's been torture even though I haven't even been tortured yet. And I'm not about to be, either."

"Great attitude!" I smiled at her. "Are you ready?"

"I was born ready," she smirked, her excitement obvious on her face. I closed my eyes, concentrated on building my sparks all the way to my fingertips. I felt the electricity, and suddenly it sparked and broke the chains, and went through the bar, breaking Roxxii's, too. The bar fell loudly to the ground, and then turned to dust. Roxxii's eyebrows shot up.

"A little harsh, don't you think? What happened to quiet?" She asked. I brought my shoulders up uncomfortably. 

"Still trying to learn how to control my powers." I said. Roxxii looked at her swollen wrists. Thank the Lord they weren't bloody. I would have gotten queasy. 

She smirked at her freedom, and then turned and went to the sound-proof, tinted glass, separating us from the driver. Roxxii put her hands on the glass, closing her eyes, and then whispered some words. The glass disappeared, and then I quickly got behind her to back the car up when she attacked. And then the man saw us.

Before the man could react to us, Roxxii had her arms around his neck, and I jumped to the wheel. We weren't going to tuck and roll. That would have been stupid. We were taking over the van.

We swerved left and right, until Roxxii had broken his neck. She reached for the door, opened it, and shoved him out of it, and I sat in the seat. The door swung off when we hit the side of the gate, and Roxxii went to look for weapons. 

"There has to be guns--" she opened the glove department, and then smiled widely. "Bingo."

She pulled out knives and a gun. She smirked at me, when I gave her the confused expression look. 

"I'm a good aim," she rolled down the window, and then started throwing the knives directly at the tires, making them lose control. And then she grabbed the gun, cocked it, and then hung halfway out the window, pointing it directly at the man's gas tank that kidnapped us. I was never fond of driving, and my phobia for cars got worse and worse but I forgot all about my phobia and was determined to keep going. 

She shot the gun, and hit the gas tank directly, and I watched the car blow up right before my eyes, and I had no choice but to step on the gas and drive through the fire. Roxxii screamed in happiness, and got back in the car, whooping excitedly.

"Freedom!" She called. She looked at me, giggling. "I really thought we were both going to get killed. We got away, not only alive, but with a car. That is something I am going to have to brag about for awhile."

I smiled, and then tightened my grip on the wheel, the reality of driving a car sank in, horrifying me. I stepped on the brake, skidding to a stop, making Roxxii slide forward on her seat slightly. I was shaking furiously, sweating, despite how cold I was. Tears filled my eyes as both the crashes I was in flashed in my mind. I shut my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks as I whimpered.

"Are you okay, Nichole?" Roxxii said gently. But then fear was dripped in her voice as she said, "Um, we need to get going, there are people coming over,"

My eyes widened, heart pounding, as I looked in the mirror. I saw Eli and Cole, and Blizzard limping, probably refusing to be held by anyone. Cher was still shaking the snow from herself, and Micah was helping her dust off. 

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