Chapter Nineteen-Joseph's Colleagues

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Authors note: After this chapter, you're gonna have to go to the last chapter and come backwards. I don't know what the heck happened but my chapters are going between 19 and 20 and it sucks balls. So, sorry guys but I'm not gonna stop writing and write a whole new book...must carry on!! :)

I opened my eyes sleepily, not ready to wake up yet but I just wanted to see the time. I realized I was way closer to Eli than I meant to be, and my shirt had snuck up in the middle of the night. My head was on Eli's chest, and one of my legs were wrapped around his, tilting my body sort of on top of him. His right arm was around me, holding my bare waist, so I couldn't really move without waking him. I didn't really mind being in this position, but I really just had to keep my mind away from how nice and sexy he was. I didn't know him, and I thought the same thing with Cole. But...he seemed different than Cole. Almost more of a shy guy, but at the same time he could be badass and kick your butt if he needed to.

I was going to move, but Eli was already opening his eyes slightly, and his hand moved further down my belly, making me tingle all over. I had to sit up, and quick.

"Morning..." he muttered. He didn't move his hand. I shut my eyes, cursing madly under my breath, and then looked at him.

"Uh, hi." I sat up, and he moved his hand. I unwrapped my leg from his, and pulled down the shirt on me, looking down, my hair hiding my face. He sat up, and tucked the hair behind my ear so he could see me.

"You look embarrassed," he said in amusement. I moved my eyes to look at him.

"Very." I muttered.

He chuckled, and stood up. "It's fine. I'm gonna go get your bag. Stay here."

I looked around. "Where am I gonna go with no pants on?"

He laughed. "Girls figure things out if they have to. That's one thing I know for certain." And then he pulled on his shirt, grabbed his keys, and left the room. I raked my hand through my soft hair tiredly, and then stood up. I stretched and then leaned against the door. My hair wasn't completely straight. It was actually kind of wavy.

I made the bed, making myself useful until he got back. When I was done, I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting patiently. I waited for a long time, and he still wasn't back. So I went to the window to check on him. His car was still there. He wasn't.

Then the door opened, and I turned to see him walking in. He had coffee in his hand, and I went to go help him by grabbing the coffee and bag so he could get in and close the door. I handed him his coffee.

"Thanks," I said. He was so tall...damn...I was definitely lower than his chin.

"Yup. I didn't know if you liked coffee, so I didn't get you one...but I haven't drank it, if you want a drink?" He offered it to me.

"Will you still drink it if I just take a sip?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed it and took a small sip of it, and handed it back to him, smiling.

"Thank you," I said, and then I turned around and tried to walk, but I tripped over my bag and face planted over it, groaning.

Eli quickly reached down to me, and I quickly pulled my shirt back down and grabbed his hand. He helped me up, and grabbed my bag.

"How about we just put this right here," he put the bag on the bed, and I looked down in embarrassment and went over to the bag. I grabbed underwear, a bra, a white button up shirt and white lace shorts. I went to the bathroom and quickly changed. I brushed out my hair and left it down, too lazy to do anything with it.

When I walked back out, he looked at me and grinned.

"Nice to see you dressed." He said. I laughed, and shook my head.

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