Chapter Fifteen-The Fox

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Today was the day. Today was the day I would tell Kim and Jeremy about me, and all about the school. No matter what the circumstance was, I had to. I needed them to know. I saw Cole a few times, but mostly it was Chase and Emma who visited me the most. Not really to say hi or anything. Probably just to make sure I was alive, my family was okay...and I wasn't telling anyone anything.

I was doing my homework, in my bed. Jeremy had said he loved my new hair color, and he said it made me look brighter and happier. Kim said she would be willing to put some hot pink or lime green streaks in it, very thin, though. She said anytime. I loved that she was a hairstylist.

My hair was up in a bun on the top of my head. The few wisps coming out were really bugging me. I had to keep whipping my bangs to the side. I was still in my black pajama pants, that were a bit baggy on me. I had a white long sleeve shirt on that was pretty much paper thin, didn't really help anything, it was just for looks, and it flowed at the few inches at the bottom and showed my belly slightly.

I was scribbling down my answers in my math work, when a slight wind blew from my open window, with no screen. It went out to the roof so I could sit on it sometimes. It blew my white lace curtains around, and gave me the chills and my bangs fell back into my eyes. I attempted to blow them from my face, but it didn't work, so I tucked them behind my ear in irritation, and then went back to scribbling out my answers.

"Ahem." I heard. I gasped and looked to see a white fox jumping in the window, and then bouncing off my mini blue couch that I sat on to look out the window. He landed perfectly on the ground, and then sat down and licked his paw elegantly, acting like he just stepped in mud. I glared at him.

"Get out of here. Shoo. Get!" I got off my bed and kinda gave him a small push, and the fox jumped back up onto my blue couch, and sat back down, scowling. It was probably Cole. He always just barged inside secretly as an animal. He said he came here in human form, but to people not allowed to see them he would look like an animal. Like a stray. He usually comes as the same dog, the one looking homeless and sickly. I never fed him. Because I knew he was fine, and he was actually a human. Just I saw a dog because I wasn't allowed to see Cole anymore. Kim always wondered why I didn't want to just give him food. I said to just leave me alone when he was here, because I'd get grumpy around it. They chose to leave me alone when I was in my room, just like they used to.

"Geez, lady, fiesty much? I'm not in the mood. I need some food in this belly of mine. I'm starving!" The fox exclaimed. I frowned. That didn't sound like Cole, at all. It didn't even sound like someone I knew. I backed up, and folded my arms across my chest.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my bedroom?" I snapped at him. The fox yawned and then hopped off my couch, making me flinch back. I didn't know what he was going to do. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

"Chillax, I'm not a murderer. I'm just a white fox in need of some food. Everywhere else I've gone I've got things thrown at me, and people screaming and running and trying to hit me with things. I had to be pretty awesome to get outta those positions." He explained. 

"No, you must have been pretty stupid to get in them." I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes and then he batted his fluffy tail once against my floor, and then a scroll appeared at his feet. 

"This, my dear, is for you. I was sent here to give it to you. I don't know what it is, or what it says, I'm just the messenger. So don't ask me. I'm not allowed to even peak inside." He drawled in boredom. When I didn't bend to grab it, he looked at me expectantly. "I would hand it to you, but I don't have hands."

I scoffed and picked it up. I sat lazily on my bed, and unrolled the scroll. It was all cursive. The fox jumped beside me, and then curled into a ball, sighing.

"Tell me what it says when you're done." He yawned and closed his eyes. "Also, now that you know I'm not here to kill you, can you please find me some food? Mind you, I'm lactose intolerant." 

I rolled my eyes and looked back to the ancient paper. I frowned and looked at the fox. "How old is this paper?"

"Old. Now can you just read it? I'm getting impatient." 

I glared at his back and then looked back at the scroll.

Dear Nichole,

the fox I sent you is your friend. He is no bad guy. He is just very demanding and rude. Also very impatient. His name is Blizzard. He's your collegue. He's the only one you can trust at this point. I know right now you must be thinking, "well, sure, says the man that hasn't told his name yet," but I promise you, this fox is your only friend right now. Too many people will be looking for you after today. Blizzard is now in your hands, and he set off an alarm to many people that have been dying to meet you. Not only because you are the most unique girl any person could get their hands on, but because they need your blood. To create something. I cannot tell you what. I know, more questions spiraling in your mind, but it's all for the best.

        Now you are thinking I sent you some fox to start your doom. But had this fox not arrived when he did, nothing would have changed. The alarms would still go off. But now you have him. His duty is to protect you, even if it means death. Now, of course, there were other animals I could have sent. But Blizzard is trustable. He is reliable. And even though he is a very rude animal, he will always keep you in line. Whisper ideas to you. He will eventually grow on you, and you will eventually grow on him. You two are total opposites, but this is why I chose him for you--you both are so unique, and together, you're unstoppable!

        By now you want to know more, yes? You have to, because you keep reading. Now, these people will be everywhere. There will be people pretending to be someone they are not, just to get under your skin and to finally kidnap you and take you to the people that want you. Or the men will just come on their own and kill you themselves. But you are priceless. The money spiraling in the Hidden World is completely insane, and at this moment, everyone is looking for you. All for the same reason--to end your life.

        Of course there are people you can trust, though. But no one who has already talked you into being their friend. Or if you ran into anyone in the halls, and they just randomly talk to you and you become friends? It's fake. Don't trust them. No one is reliable right now. People who guarantee your safety are probably the worst people. The people who you used to trust, or still sort of trust. Forget about them. They are dangerous. They will only get in your way.

        Now you are confused. You are thinking, "Why on earth is it me? And why does everyone want me? Who am I? What's so special about me? Who CAN I trust?!" but I know you are a wise girl. You will find this all out. And Blizzard will help you. 

        You will be able to have reliable friends on the way. Of course. But right now, you have Blizzard. And I will give you one more hint to some people you can trust, even though it's against the rules: People who leave everything behind to stick with you. People who you actually, deep inside, actually trust. 

        Now you are dying to meet me, aren't you? Well, bombshell, if you are reading this, I am dead. And Blizzard right there, probably snoozing next to you, barely escaped the war. He is hungry, and tired, and he has had a long journey trying to find you. So please, find something for him. Give him some food, get him a bed, mend his wounds, give him a bath. Be a good friend. He's your only friend.

Please, I know this is crazy, but you have to trust me. No one else will be able to explain. And one more thing, since I'm dead anyway: If they say they can explain, just run. Don't look back. Run. Take Blizzard, and run.

I frowned at the paper, and then folded it up. I looked over to Blizzard, with my heart thudding against my ribcage fiercely. He was sleeping peacefully. Neither of us understood either of this. All he knew was he got sent here with a note he wasn't allowed to read. And I only had what was on the paper. So what were we going to do?


Mysterious! :P Thanks for reading guys <3 :) See you next time. :-) 

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