Chapter Twenty-One-Flashback

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Note: I dunno what the heck happened! :( 

My eyes fluttered open weakly. The first thing I saw was the night sky, full of sparkling stars. The first thing I felt was the pain shooting through my body everytime I blinked, moved, breathed, anything, and the cold night air hitting my bare skin. The first thing I smelt was the crackling fire of our used-to-be beautiful mustang. And that's exactly what I heard, too.

I tried to blink, but it hurt too much. I couldn't move anything. It's like when your foot falls asleep, and when you tense a muscle to move it, you can already feel it and you have to stop. But this time it was worse. I couldn't just shake it off. I had to just sit here and hope someone would be able to find me and call an ambulence or something.

Flashbacks of the carcrash floated in my mind, while I saw myself flipping and bobbing around wildly with my eyes tightly shut, only opening for a split second before I closed them again. And then I saw flashbacks of the first bad car crash I was in, with my family...the one only I survived.

I got drousy. Wherever Blizzard was, he wasn't here. I knew he was alive. He was perfectly fine, other for the fact that I dropped him when the crash was over. And Eli was cutting himself out of his seatbelt, looking perfectly fine. But then again, car crashes did that to people. They could look fine on the outside, but they were hurt internally. He might of died...and Blizzard would be alone. Unless he died, too, and I was the only survivor...


But whatever was going on, the sounds were blurred out. I knew nothing important was happening, because all I heard was the silent night other than the burning car. I smelt rain, but I wasn't sure. It wasn't raining, but it might have been coming.

Eventually, I got too drousy to stay alert. My eyes shut reluctantly, and I fell into a deep sleep.

                                                                          *          *         *

"Mom!" I called. The flashback of the day of the crash was replaying in my mind for the first time. My black hair was in a ponytail, and I was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and toms. I was looking impatient.

"We have to go!" Jacie ran out of the door, running to the car. She had two buns in her hair, and her bangs were combed down nicely. Janny ran after her. They took after my mom, with the light brown hair, green eyes, and tanner skin. My entire family was darker than me, I don't know how I got such pale skin.

"Mom!" I called. She came rushing out, grabbing her purse on the way out, and my dad was right behind her. They closed the door, and we rushed to the car. We were late for grandma's house, and she was a very critisizing woman.

On our way there, on the freeway, we were already a half hour late. I had my earphones in, blasting my used-to-be favorite music, with my knees brought to my chest and I watched out the window boredly. I heard my parents arguing over how late they were, and Janny and Jacie were bickering over whatever they usually fought over. They always started unnecessary arguments, with not only each other, but everyone else in the house.

Janny tore the headphone from my ear and snapped, "Tell Jacie it's not my fault we're late."

I rolled my eyes, scowling and snatching my earphone back angrily. "It's both of you that made us late. Had you guys not had to take a shower or do those girly stuff you usually do, we would have been out fifteen minutes early."

"Whatever!" Janny scowled and glared at me. "You're always so grumpy, Nichole. You really need to stop. One day you will regret it." 

At the time, all I did was scowl and put the earphone back in my ear, muttering, "Why would I ever regret it?" and then I looked back out the window, not realizing that in a few short minutes the crash would happen, and I would never see my family again. 

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