Back in the Leaf

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Sakura, Sasuke, and I patiently wait for Naruto and Kakashi Sensei

Naruto comes running towards us

"Hi Shiori. Good morning Sakura. What's up?" Naruto says cheerfully

He and Sasuke looks at each other and turns away

Sakura looks down and let out a sigh

"Good grief. Not again. They've been like that since we got back from the Land of Waves. Ugh it's like being stuck with a couple of children" I say

"I know right? My younger brother acts way more maturely" Shiori says

"Same goes for my neighbors' kid" I nod

'Cha! Hurry up Kakashi Sensei. Or you'll have it! '

After a while of waiting

"Hey guys. Good morning. Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost in the path of life" Kakashi Sensei waves at us

"Waaaahh?!" Naruto and I yell

"I'm ready for our next ninja mission Sensei! And hey. Come on. No more of this dumb beginner stuff, okay? I want a chance to prove myself! I'm talking a real mission where I can show what I'm made of! Grrr. I gotta freak out and burn it up. See?!!" Naruto says excitedly

"Uh, right. I get it. That's great Naruto. Now take it easy would ya?" Kakashi Sensei tells him

Naruto glance at Sasuke with an annoyed look. Sasuke must've felt his glare cause he looks up at Naruto

'Sasuke. He's always rescuing everyone on our missions. Trying to grab all the glory and make me look like a chump. But he'll never get the edge on me'

"He's such a twerp" I say

"Aww. Give him a break Sakura. He is your admirer after all" Shiori smiles at me

"Don't even go there Shiori" I say

'Today's the day'

(Naruto's Fantasy)
Sasuke falls down on the ground helpless

I come in and save him

"What's the matter? Can't take care of yourself Sasuke?" I ask coolly

(End of fantasy)

"Believe it!" I shout

"Let us know when you're done fantasizing Naruto. So we can start the mission. Alright?" Kakashi Sensei tells him

"Right" Naruto replies

"Could you not be so annoying Naruto? Just for once?" Sakura asks angrily

Sakura's glaring at Naruto, who's glaring at Sasuke, who's glaring back at him. While I'm standing there laughing awkwardly, sweat dropping

Our first mission is pulling weeds from a garden

I'm staring at Sasuke, who's pulling weeds with Shiori under a tree

I hurriedly pull everything as fast as I can

I finally finish and start laughing proudly

We stare at Naruto as he laughs

Naruto: Ninjas In Love (Sasuke x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now