Our Love

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Shiori and I are left alone in the dock

“I finally succeeded” I smile at Shiori

“I always knew you'd be able to do it” she says as she smiles back

“About what father made you promise. I’ll keep the same promise. That’s how much I love you. I’m willing to spend all my life with, in fact, it’s a dream come true” I blush slightly

“It’s the same for me. I can’t imagine spending my life with someone else. I’m glad that I have your family’s blessing to be with you” She say as she stare at the lake peacefully

“Yeah, me too. You’re family is always really nice to me whenever I see them. They always treat me like I’m their own” I tell her

“An unusual behaviour from a Hyuga really” I tell him

“What do you mean?”

“Both my parents are super strict with me specially when in comes to training. However, when you’re involved, they become almost different people. They really have a soft spot for you. I’ve never seen my parents smile widely before. Almost everyone in the Hyuga Clan are very serious. Your father is way nicer than mine to be honest. And don’t even ask which one if our mothers and siblings are nicer, the answer is obvious. Yours” I tell him

“I guess I’m lucky you’re family likes me huh?” Sasuke laughs

“Hahahaha. Yeah, of course they do. How could they not?” I laugh too

Naruto: Ninjas In Love (Sasuke x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now