Team 7

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Lunch Time. Sasuke and I are eating in an empty classroom

"You're still smiling" Sasuke points out

"Of course, why wouldn't I? We're in the same team sweetie" I tell him

"I'm really am glad we're together. The down side to all this is that we're stuck with the other two"

"Don't be like that, they're cool"

"Maybe for you"

"Oh I almost forgot" I say as I pick up the book on a nearby table

"What is it?"

"I have to return this book I borrowed from Shikamaru. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere ok?"

"Hn. Get back as soon as possible"

I nod and leave the room

I search for Shikamaru

"Alright. If we're in the same group, you're going to have to follow my lead, that's the only way it will work" Ino says

"Yeah yeah" I reply

'That's the only way it'll work cause she throws a FIT If she doesn't get her way'

"Why don't you lead us to some barbecue Ino?" Choji say

"Hopeless" Ino face palms

The door to the roof open

"There you are Shikamaru, I've been searching for you" says Shiori

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

"Nah, it's alright Shiori" Ino smiles

"So what's up?" I ask her

"I just came to return the book I borrowed from you, here. Thanks for lending it to me" Shiori says as she hands me the book

"No pro--- Huh?" I see Naruto sneaking over to where Sasuke is peacefully eating his lunch

We follow Shikamaru's eyes


Naruto attacks Sasuke, knocking the window close. The four of us are quite surprise. There's rustling then silence

"Sasuke?" I say as I look at the window curiously

Edit: (A/N: I'm tired of people commenting the same thing on this topic, so I decided to edit this to clear things up for everyone

Shiori's a GIRLY GIRL so I made her act like this, but because of the first few comments I decided to not make her get teary eyed and fall on her knees in my updates since most of you guys don't like it

And once again another person commented on this, stop it it's starting to really annoy me. I changed it alright? Hope those who commented that didn't understand are satisfied now

Actually only 2 people in the comments gets my point with this line, so thank you to those two, it really means a lot to me)

"Naruto! If you so much as to scratch him, you're in my enemy list forever!" Ino clenches her fist tightly

A few noises are heard again. Before the silence returns

"Wh-what happened?" Ino asks

"That's it. I'm going over there" Shiori says as she walks back in the building

"Shiori, wait" I try to call out to her but she already closes the door

Naruto: Ninjas In Love (Sasuke x Oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن