Rai x Reader (Also Shinwoo and Siera)

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"You crazy (Y/n)?! There is no way I have the guts to ask Seira out!" Shinwoo half whispered.

"This is your chance Shinwoo! There's no way I'll let this chance go to waste so get in there and ask her out!" You pushed him inside the theater room and sat down next to Rai.

'Ask.Her.Out' You mouthed to Shinwoo, who was now sitting next to Seira.

All throughout the movie you kept mouthing to Shinwoo to ask her out but to no avail.

(Time skip to le after the movie~)

"Thank you for today (Y/n) it was a pleasure spending time with you all." Seira bowed before she turned to Shinwoo. "Goodnight." Then she turned and started walking.

"W-wait! Seira I have something to tell you! Can we talk in private?.." Seira turned back to Shinwoo and nodded.

"You got this Shinwoo, be confident!" You encouraged. He nodded silently thanking you.

Meanwhile, Rai kept looking at the scene folding before him. He too wondered if he could ever ask you to be his mate.

"Ne, Rai? Would you like some Ramen? There's a Ramen booth nearby." You smiled up at him, pointing to the booth. He quickly nodded.

When you got there he ordered his usual, and you ordered the same as him.

"I'm so happy that Shinwoo is going to confess to Seira. I really hope she accepts.." You stirred your ramen to make it less hot.

"She will." He said, barely above a whisper.

"How do you know?" Tilting your head in confusion you watched as Shinwoo struggled to tell Seira about how he felt.

He didn't reply. Instead he just held up a finger as if to silence you. Just at that moment Seira kissed Shinwoo, right on the lips.

"Woah! That was so cool how you just lifted your finger and it happened!" In awe your eyes twinkled at Rai. "Sometimes I feel your hiding something from me." You teased.

He continued to stare at you and finally asked. "What if I am?" You squirmed underneath his gaze. Something about him just gave off a threatening vibe, even if he never said anything.

"Then, I'd still hangout with you. Because I like everything about you, even the quiet side of you.." Before you could stop yourself, you realized you basically just admitted your feelings to him accidentally.

"Ah! Please ignore me haha..I don't know what's gotten into me. Anyway Rai! I have to get going." You stood up, grabbing your bag.

However Rai grabbed your hand and kept holding it gently. "Yes Rai?"

He didn't know how to tell you to stay, he wanted to keep being with you. Your presence was enough to intoxicate him. So instead he just held your hand and kept his gaze on his ramen bowl.

You smiled at his silence. He was so cute! "Would you like to walk me home?" You asked.

Fifteen minutes later you were nearing your home. The walk was filled with comforting silence, only the sound of your walking was heard. Soon you were already in front of your door.

"Well, this is my stop." Smiling sadly you let go of Rai's hand, you didn't even realize you were holding it but it felt much colder without his around yours.

He nodded and turned to walk. "A-actually Rai, can you wait?.."

"I-I just.." C'mon (Y/n) tell him how you feel! Tears of embarrassment were brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill. You shut your eyes to make them go away. Instead you felt a pair of strong delicate hands wipe your tears away.

"Huh?" When you opened them Rai was standing centimeters away from you. You blushed and quickly apologized. "I-I'm sorry you had to see that."

He shook his head as if to say 'no worries' and handed you a coupon. You read it outloud "buy one, get one free?" In confusion, you looked up towards Rai to see him giving you one of his million dollar smiles.

"Do you want to get Ramen some time soon?" You asked.

He nodded. "With you."

"With me?" You blushed as he nodded again. He wants to get Ramen with you!

"But why?" He thought for a second before he bluntly said. "I want to be like Seira and Shinwoo with you."

"Y-you mean like...a date..?" At this point you felt like you were about to faint. Your face was beet red and it felt extremely hot. He nodded moving a strand of hair from your face and putting it behind your ear.

"Okay, it's a date then." You giggled not being able to contain your happiness and gave him a tight hug before pulling away. "I look forward to it! Oh! And be careful on your way home okay?" When you went inside, all Rai could think about was your smile. He smiled to himself as well. He couldn't wait to get Ramen with you.


"S-siera..can't..breathe.." Shinwoo gasped between breathes. He had just confessed to Siera and was now being hugged by her.

She only hugged him tighter, smiling in bliss. Meanwhile Shinwoo struggled to stay alive T-T.

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