Rael x Reader Part 2

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I'm writing this in class because I have finals and we are legit sitting in silence so eh why not :)

You sat on a ledge watching the water flow beneath you. "So calming..I wonder where all this water flows to, an adventure that not even itself knows.." You sighed crying again.  "I miss you Rael, would you comfort me right now if you were here?" A year ago Rael disappeared without a word. There was a saying that maybe he had been assassinated and you were left all alone.

But Rael wasn't dead.

Of course you didn't know that, he was still alive but he just went back home to attend his duties. After all he was still a noble. Raskrea however hadnt allowed him to go back to (Y/n) because raskrea feared that Rael would grow far too attached to her. Or if (Y/n) tried killing Rael.

"Why did you have to leave me Rael..you could've at least taken me with you. No worries though I love you Rael and I'll join you..right now.." you got up dusting dirt and pebbles off your beautiful silk dress. Peering over the ledge you took a deep breathe letting yourself fall to the water, where you would die.


"Rael?" It all happened so fast. One moment you were falling and the other you were in the arms of your lover, safe.

"What were you thinking?! You insane (Y/n)?!"

You couldn't believe your eyes. It was him! Rael! You reached up gingerly touching his cheek and smiling. "It really is you my love.." the last thing you saw before you fainted was Rael's frantic face begging you not to sleep.

When you awoke you were in bed already dressed in a different night gown. You blushed knowing that Rael undressed you and had most definitely seen you in your garments. (Hehehe)

"Listen to me (Y/n)" Rael spoke seriously. "If I ever do happen to die don't take your life over mine. Whatever you were thinking, don't think much of it again. You almost made a useless sacrifice in vain."

You sniffled nodding. "Ok Rael..I promise." He smiled slightly and moved strands of hair away from your face. Your beauty never failed to leave him in awe but of course he loved you not only for your beauty but also for your kind nature.

He leaned in closer placing a soft kiss on your lips. "R-rael?" You breathed out in surprise. "Am I not allowed to kiss the woman I love?" Tilting his head he smirked.

"N-no! I mean of course you can but how did you save me?" Rael froze, 'ah I forgot about that..'

"Listen (Y/n) I'm not exactly human I am Rael Kertia, the leader of the Kertia Clan. I am one of the eight serving Raskrea, the current lord of Lukedonia. I'm not exactly human and I'm over 500 years old." He looked at you with a straight face, ashamed for lying to you for so long.

"Oh rael! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I don't care if you aren't human. Just as long as you protect and love me I'm happy. And besides! My boyfriend is pretty amazing and I'm honored to be your girlfriend Rael." You smiled sitting up to hold Rael's hand.

"Well actually (Y/n).. I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore. Will you marry me and live along side me as (Y/n) Kertia, the wife of the leader of the Kertia Clan, Rael Kertia?" He showed you a beautiful dazzling ring. "I'll explain it to my lord but please (Y/n) be mine."

You nodded tears spilling down your cheeks. "Of course I will! You make me so happy and make me feel special."

You both leaned in Rael placing his hand on your waist pulling you closer.

"I would make love to you but I'll restrain myself since it's not time yet." He winked kissing you passionately. You blushed, "O-okay.." 

He chuckled letting you fall into the bed once more this time with you in his arms. "Sleep love, you need it."

"Mmm, goodnight Rael..." you nuzzled into his chest breathing softly. "I love you." You whispered softly before you drifted off to sleep.

        "And I love you more than you know."

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