Chapter 30: Wait and See

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the special Christmas update for our story. I know what I just called it is misleading because there are no Christmas entries but I wanted to do this as a present for @anna3618 and all of you lovely people. Anyway, here is the 30th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation.*

(America's POV)

I chuckled to myself as I watched Lukas and Denmark disappear into the dorm hallway. I was very pleased the two made up. I was kinda worried Lukas would never fix the problem. Well, at least now Denmark won't be staring at him during the reading like a kicked puppy.

Deciding not to loiter in the halls any longer I made my way to the club room. In said club room, both Feli and Ludwig were already cuddled together. I knew Feliciano didn't have a pleasant conversation with his brother today so I decided not to disturb the two. I glanced toward the other side of the room where Kiku and Toris were both sitting on one of the cots, cocooned in some of the blankets. I couldn't tell what they were discussing but Kiku was quite obviously excited.

I chuckled at the scene before I walked over to the two. "Sorry Toris, it looks like your cuddle buddy was stolen for the night." I said. Toris visibly deflated for a moment, before forcing himself to straighten up. "Aww man that's a bum-" He said before pausing to watch me make a makeshift bed on the floor. "What are you doing?" He asked tilting his head.

I merely shook my head before looking at the other incredulously. "Well, all of us are not going to fit on that tiny bed, heck me and Kiku barely fit." I said before continuing my construction on the floor bed. Toris seemed to still be processing my words before Kiku spoke up. "Why not just push two beds together?" At this I shook my head dramatically. "Well there's three of us right, so that means one of us would have to be stuck in the crevice spot and no one wants that." I said matter-of-factly.

At this Kiku merely shrugged before gathering pillows for the bed. "Are you guys sure? I'm fine with sleeping by myself tonight." Toris tried to reason but we wouldn't have it. "Toris get your butt over here and help us make the darn bed." Kiku said, dramatically rubbing his back. At this I saw the other scramble to collect any soft thing he could for our bed.

After all was said and done we all piled into the bed. Toris sandwiched between us two. He was a bit hesitant at first, probably worried about messing up our dynamic. However, he soon relaxed and snuggled closer to the both of us. When Toris had fallen asleep me and Kiku both made eye contact with the other and smiled. There was no way either of us were going to let him sleep on the outside because we both knew he would feel like an outsider. This way, he could feel included. It wasn't long before the two of us joined him in a peaceful slumber.

(Norway's POV)

The next morning I awoke in a warm, calming haze. It felt blissful, like all was calm. I snuggled further into the warmth in front of me but stopped. I came to the realization that this person could not be Toris as their stature was significantly larger. However, memories of last night began to resurface. I reluctantly opened my eyes to get a look at my surroundings. I found that I was still in Denmark and Sweden's shared room.

I sighed to myself as I sat up and started stretching. I threw a glance toward my sleeping companion before chuckling. I always found it ironic that someone as loud as Denmark could be such a quiet sleeper. Despite seeing the others peaceful state I knew we both had to get up and head to breakfast. I'd rather deal with a tired Denmark than a hungry one.

I began to shake the other's leg, but received no sign of consciousness in return. Rolling my eyes I shook his leg harder, but still gained nothing. Not even a tiny groan. At this I let out a huff before I got up and walked to the other's side of the bed. I placed a hand on Denmark's shoulders and shook with all my might... still nothing. Right as I was about to give up and ask another nation to wake him up, probably Finland, I felt someone grip my wrist. Before I even had time to register it I was being yanked down hard.

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