Chapter 32: The Same Rhythm

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 32nd chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope you all enjoyed the last update because I'm here with another one. So let's get into this, shall we?*

(America's POV)

Throughout dinner I kept anxiously glancing at the door, waiting for Feli to come in. Whether he came in happy or in tears I was not certain of. However, that did not stop me from hoping for the best. "Alfred, I doubt Italy will come in if you stare at the door like-" Kiku began saying before he was cut off by said doors swinging open. Low and behold the two Italian brothers both entered the room.

Despite both of their eyes and cheeks being red, they were both considerably happier. I felt my shoulders sag in relief as the younger Italian approached us. "Would it be okay if me and Germany sat at Romano's table today?" Said nation asked excitedly. Not one to interrupt beautiful family bonding I readily nodded soon followed by the rest. At this Italy ecstatically squealed before grabbing Germany and dragging him and his brother away.

I smiled as the trio left before I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Startled I turned around and saw Poland and South Korea standing their smiling ear-to-ear. At seeing these two I immediately tilted my head confused. "Hi, we wanted to know if Lithuania wanted to spend the night in our dorm room tonight. Prussia was going to ask Germany to spend the night together and we didn't want Lithuania to feel awkward." Poland explained.

I saw Toris give me an unsure look, as if he was ready to deny the duo. However, I merely nodded my head toward him. He looked shocked before he gave me a small smile and stood to join the overexcited duo. I glanced at Kiku who was the only one still at the table with me. Lukas had left with Denmark earlier the latter proclaiming they would be sleeping together again. The smaller nation returned my eye contact before cleaning up our mess and heading to the club room.

As we both entered the club room I could feel how huge it felt compared to when everyone was their cuddled together, telling stories of the past and dreams for the future. I felt a sigh escape my lips and leaned heavily into the stoic nation beside me. Though Kiku saw this, I saw he merely offered me a small smile before grabbing my hand and promptly dragged me into the room. The other gently led me to sit on one of the beds. When I was properly seated the smaller nation stood to close the door before returning to sit beside me. I gave the other a curious glance at this.

(Japan's POV)

I saw the apprehension that heavily rested in Alfred's eyes flicker with uncertainty. The longer I sat there the more it seemed to move uneasily around, like a lava lamp. I had so many things to say, but none of them were the right thing. After awhile I sighed and turned to properly face the younger. I saw the other startle before he copied my actions. I silently grasped the others wrist and brought it so his palm faced me. Again I saw Alfred look at me unsurely. I smiled patiently at him before I spoke.

"You have faced many hardships and troubles throughout your life. You've lived and lost many people." I saw the slight quiver in the other's face, but he did not pull away. Seeing this I took the initiative to bring my hand to similarly lie against his. "I know that you are scared of loosing those close to you, that you fear seeing people's backs to you. I know that's what your seeing right now as you deal with family problems. I know that's how you feel when you see everyone else figuring out their life and issues as you are stuck at a standstill desperately trying to maintain your position against a raging storm."

Throughout this endeavor I maintained eye contact with the taller nation. His eyes became glassy with unshed tears, almost as if his eyes really were the mirror to his shattered soul. I took a deep breath before I intertwined our fingers together. "You don't have to worry. I will always be with you to love and support the decisions you make even if I'm not by your side. You don't have to go through this pain alone, and I know the others think so highly of you." At this it seemed Alfred could not take the heavy weight of all the burdens his experienced throughout his short life.

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