Chapter 25: Just a Big Kid

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 25th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I know I have disappeared after a longer period of time than usual, but I had some problems that needed sorting out. Anyway, let's get into this, Shall we?*

(France's POV)

"America," I began slowly standing up and walking toward him. "No, it's fine," he began looking up toward the ceiling, "I'm going to go on ahead... see all of you later." He said, turning and leaving the room. I heard the sound of several chairs screeching as Norway, Japan, and Lithuania followed him out. At the table Italy still stood there looking unsure. He cast Germany a pleading a look, who gave a nod in reply, before booking it out of the room.

I heavily sank back into my seat with a sigh. Placing my head in my hands. I tried to ignore the world, figuratively and literally, as everyone began filing out of the room. When a sickening quiet sank in I finally lifted my head to meet vibrant green eyes. Though, they seemed to have lost some of their shine over the years.

" know your a real jerk sometimes right?" He asked his eyes turning glassy. I let out a sigh at this. "Yeah, I am aren't I?"

(Norway's POV)

I was the first to reach Alfred after he left the room. Mostly because he unexpectedly bolted after leaving. He made it all the way to the room, but didn't have time to close it before I appeared. After I managed to wrangle my way inside, Alfred let go of the door and stood with his eyes glued to the floor.

I peaked my head out to Toris, Kiku, and Feliciano. Silently telling them to give us a minute. Understanding this, Kiku gently led the other two to the cafeteria to get something to eat. With a grateful sigh I closed the door and turned to the American. "Alfred please look at me." I said coming to stand in front of him. At this he shook his head. I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips.

"Ah, you really are just a big kid aren't you?" I asked ruffling his hair a bit before pulling him into a hug. Despite our obvious height difference he still managed to bury his head into the crook of my neck. "You know it's okay to be upset, to feel betrayed right?" He shook his head at this but his grip on my shirt tightened. It wasn't long before his shoulders began to shake with sadness, as tears coated my shoulder. That was fine.

I gently began to card my hands through his hair. Yeah, he really was a big kid after all...

(Italy's POV)

As I was sitting and eating with Kiku and Toris, I spotted Germany enter. I quickly excused myself, not before seeing the two exchange a fond look and headed over to him. "Germany!" I yelled happily, racing to stand in front of him. A saw a loving smile grace his lips and I couldn't help but return it. "Thank you!" I said, enveloping him in a hug.

~1 hour earlier~

"Italy," I heard someone call my name, "can we talk for a second?" Turning I saw that it was Germany, but he appeared kind of solemn. I glanced at the others for a second before nodding my head. "Sure."  Germany led me a bit away from the flush of people entering the conference room.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, looking at him curiously. "I um-, I wanted to talk to you about you-, me-, us-, this whole thing that's um..." he sighed frustrated, "How do I say this?" He mumbled unsurely. At his obvious mental breakdown I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. "Just say what's on your mind, I'm old enough, I can take it."

At this Germany nodded, taking a deep breath before saying, "What are we? I know we fell in love when we were young. I know that we still love each other. But, you don't talk to me anymore. Ever since that day all you do is spend your time with the others. Am I not that important anymore? Did you realize you don't like me anymore? Is there someone else?"

At this I shook my head regretfully. I knew I hadn't talked to Germany since that day. We kind of went our separate ways. Or I just did. "Of course I still love you, I fell in Love with you back then and I did now. I guess I'm just... scared..." I said quietly. "Everyone I fall in love with just leaves me, you did, my grandpa did. Even me and Romano are drifting no matter how much I try and pretend we aren't." I say, tears streaming down my cheeks.

I felt Germany's hands gently cup my cheeks, wiping away the offending liquid. "I may have left once before, but I still came back. I promise you no matter what, even if I disappear I'll always come right back home to you." He said looking at me lovingly. "Why would you do that for me?" I said unsure. He smiled gently at me. "Because," He said leaning in, "I love you."

~present time~

"I love you too." I said leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips.

(Norway's POV)

After I had calmed Alfred down, we ate a bit for dinner, before everyone filed into the conference room. I saw France glance sadly at the American before diverting his attention to the front. Prussia was reading this time.

Dear Diary,

What's the bid deal about wearing a dress? I like wearing what's cute and comfy. There shouldn't be people angry or disgusted by it. If you like it, wear it. That's my motto.

At this I looked around at a few people who could have written this. I know I had heard this saying from somewhere, but I couldn't remember from who it was.

Lithuania hates it when Poland gets angry in public. Poland only gets angry when people stare and whisper about his outfit, or if they call him ugly.

Ah, so it must've been Poland who wrote the first one. It made sense. Everyone gets upset when people talk about them. I know I do.

Dear Diary,

When Poland saw my scars, he showed me his. They came from a situation that I can't even put into writing, one that is completely awful that I won't bother to try and transcribe. But that was the day that I knew, deep in my heart, that no matter what happened between our countries, we would always be inseparable, and that whatever trials us two may face, our bond will never break.

I glanced toward Toris and saw a find smile grace his lips as he and Poland exchanged eye contact. There was something between the two. What it was I don't know for sure.

Both Lithuania and America are able to comprehend and communicate in all existing languages. This is all due to Tony's actions. When he first landed on Earth, he inserted the Babel fish in America's ear, as America was the first Earth being he cane in contact with. After meeting Lithuania, he inserted a Babel fish into Lithuania's ear as well. None of the other nations know about this, however.

I glanced toward Toris and Alfred at this entry, ironically the two managing to have sat next to each other. Both of them were excitedly talking about something. I couldn't help but smile at the pair.

When Lithuania speaks English, he has a horrible tendency to use slang from the 1920's United States. America hasn't told his that those phrases are out of date, mostly because he misses the light-heartedness of the slang.

After this I saw Toris give Alfred a shocked look before they both ran around the room. One running from the other, but they were both laughing nonetheless. He really is just a big kid.

*and that ladies and gents is the 25th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. This one was one of the slightly longer ones so I hoped you enjoyed, and I will see all of you, next time, Bye!*

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