Chapter 2 : Stupid Twilight!

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the second chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. Today we are finally going to get into some diary entries and I can't wait. So, let's get into this, shall we?*

-I only own the storyline-

Silence filled the room. Nobody wanted there diary entries being read. But it was the only way home. "I will." Germany said walking over and gingerly taking the book, that was surprisingly thick, from his brothers hand. He opened the cover and noticed there was a note tapped to it.

"Hello, Nations! My name is Luck. I was the one that the ancients sent to deliver and make this book. Now if you didn't know I have a few rules. First, no skipping anything! As you can tell the pages are stuck together." To prove this Germany tried to pull them apart, but to no avail. "I used magic that uses vocal recognition to make the pages unstick. As you read, it will let the next page unstick."

Germany moved his eyes to the other side of the page. "You all will have rooms with your countries flags. Sadly we didn't have very many rooms so you'll have to share." Audible groans, sounded throughout the room. "In the kitchen you will find that you have an unlimited amount of food. Yes, I mean endless. Have a fun time, and play nice! Love, Luck." The German nation read.

"Did you hear that America? Unlimited food for you to stuff your face with!" England said, sarcastically. America let out a loud, obnoxious laugh. "Right England, it's amazing!" He added. Ignoring the sarcasm laced in the comment.

"Okay everyone, let's get reading already, da?" Russia said, taking his seat which Canada had luckily moved from. Instead sitting next to where his brother sat. Everyone sat back in their seats before turning their attention to the blonde nation.

(Switzerland's POV)

The blond nation cleared his throat before flipping the page. "This is one of the statements." Germany said, but was cut off by a certain Italian. "Just read it already!" The blonde nation cleared his throat again, "As I was saying, this statement is about Canada and America." Again he was cut off, but by a certain Chinese nation. "Who?" He asked.

"Canada," America piped up but was only met with silence. "you know my twin brother, the land mass above me. The person sitting next to me." He explained, gesturing to his twin. Still England had a blank look on his face. He was such an idiot. Even I would have remembered when he basically showed me the person!

"One of your 'sons'." A certain Frenchman piped up. "Oh right Canadia!" The Brit spoke up. "It's Canada!" A voice spoke up, but instead of it being a shout it sounded like he was talking at a normal volume. "Right, terribly sorry lad." He apologized, before motioning for Germany to continue.

'When they were growing up, America could always see his brother Canada. They would usually talk all day, though America did most of the talking. England, who couldn't see Canada very easily, thought America was talking to his imaginary friends. He always felt awful when he realized it was his son.'

Silence filled the room as tension soon followed. England had his eyes downcast as his face fell. It seems he  never really meant to forget his own son, and really felt bad for doing so. Honestly, everyone seemed to feel bad for always forgetting the quiet nation. Canada looked at German nation and motioned for him to continue.

Germany looked over at the next page, eyes softening a bit. 'America and Japan never dare to bring up the war now. It was to painful for the both of them.' I looked at said nations and saw they both had similar reactions. Head's bowed silently as they placed their hands in their laps.

Now this was one of the reasons I stayed out of the wars. They only made things worse and ruined things you already had. Nothing came from them was despair. I don't want my sister to see that.

The already tense aura seemed to worsen. Causing the other nations to feel a bit uneasy. Prussia, gulped as no one made a move to break the silence or tension, silently motioning to his brother to continue.

The blonde turned the page over, probably dreading to hear another sad entry but to my and everyone's confusion his eyes lit up with amusement, eyes flickering over to a certain vampire. "What does it say?" Italy said finally breaking the silence.

Germany cleared his throat before he started to read, 'Dear diary, I wish people would stop asking if I sparkled. -Romania' "wait, you don't sparkle?" I heard Poland ask. "No I don't! It isn't real! Stupid Twilight!" The nation said slamming his fists on the table in a tantrum. The other nations laughed at this, while I and a few other nations have an amused smirk or smile, the tense atmosphere slipping away.

After the laughter died down. Everyone sat back in their seats, the happy aura still in the air. 'Romano knows it probably won't happen but he would love if one person, just one would call him "Italy" even just once.' The German nation finished. Everyone turned to looked over to the spot where the Italian seemed to be trying to hide his face in his hands.

Spain stood up, walking over to the nations chair before kneeling in front of it. Japan and Hungary slipping cameras out of no where. The Spanish country spoke in a gentle voice. "Roma, no, South Italy do you really feel this way?" The brunette jolted his head up upon hearing being called Italy.

Spain took this as a yes as he wrapped his arms around the stunned nation. A blush spread over the younger nation's face, as he started to struggle. "Yah! Let go of me!" You could hear the snapping of cameras and slight fangirling coming from Hungary and Japan. Everyone seemed to be either laughing or smiling at the display.

"Alright, I think now would be a good time to take a break." Germany said setting the book down. "Meet back here in 30 minutes." He stated. Everyone slowly grabbed their things and decided it would probably be best to check out their rooms and see who they would be sharing a room with.

*and that ladies and gents was the 2nd chapter of The Diaries of a Nation. I hope you all enjoyed this update and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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