Chapter 27: Rising up

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Katniss' POV:

"Nice clothes you got there, princess," I said as confidently as possible, leaning back slightly. Cato's eyes widened for a second and he stood there confused. 

"Excuse me?" he managed to let out, with a much quieter voice as everyone around us stood quiet. 

I took another breath and cocked an eyebrow.

"I said," I began again with a loud voice "Nice clothes you got there, princess" I repeated and Cato's blue eyes darkened like the sky before a storm.

"Stay out of this Everdeen, you don't know what you're getting your Seam ass into" he breathed out dangerously.

Oh please. I don't know what I'm getting myself into? It's you who should be scared, my dear.

"Sorry princess, but I can't stay out of the shit I did" I continued, confident and annoyed at the same time. Cato can't always be the boss and have everyone tremble as soon as they hear his name. Someone has to show him that. You can't always do whatever shit you want to Hadley.

Cato kept quiet as if waiting to see what I will say next. His eyes had darkened and that's when I realized his rage was slowly building inside of him. Even better, because mine's been building for quite some time now.

"Yeah Hadley, I thought you could really use a makeover. I mean I never thought you wouldn't be fond of wearing bright pink barbie clothes! Excuse me for mistaking it as your favorite color." I apologized teasingly and he frowned.

I heard a tribute chuckle slightly but choked on himself as soon as Cato turned around. I could see him making a mental note to kill him viciously as soon as possible.

You're going to try again next year district 6!

"So you're telling me," Cato began with a calm voice, fists clenched "that a Seam rat from 12 had the audacity to try to humiliate me? ME?! CATO HADLEY?!" he yelled beginning to approach me dangerously. 

The game makers were watching closely. We're the new center of attention, aren't we? 

I won't lie, I am scared of Cato. He's a strong and ruthless professionally trained murderer who's furious at me right now. And I'm continuing to humiliate and make fun of him. I should be scared. And I am.

But I can't let it show. 

I'm the only one who's been standing up to him. If I show that I too am scared of him, then that's it. The fight's over. And he's won it.

And I won't let that happen.

I straightened myself even more and made three steps towards the murderous career.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you" I whispered loudly and turned around beginning to walk away.

Cato's a primitive beast. He acts impulsively, follows his emotions more than his brain, never thinks things through. It makes him the perfect killer, quick, agile, vicious, able to kill without regrets. And it also makes him vulnerable to manipulation. 

I know right now he has probably grabbed some knife and is ready to stab me or is going to jump on me every second now.

"Slow down kitty," I said again and turned around slowly just to catch Cato about to punch me. He has stopped himself, surprised. 

"Oh, I expected you at least to stab me with a knife. Oh well you know what they say, don't get your expectations too high." I shook my head as if I was deeply disappointed by the leader of the careers.

Catoniss: Frozen EmbersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ