Chapter 10: Clove's secret admirer

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Marvel's POV:

Damn you Glimmer, I don't want to pass you the fucking towel! Okay, okay, most people would wonder why I'm not taking that opportunity like every normal 18 year old would. Well, because I found someone more attractive than Glimmer. That girl from 2. Clove. She was so beautiful and fragile, but if you looked close enough you will see the built of a career and the dangerousness in her eyes. She wasn't the girly type like Glimmer and I'm glad that she isn't. I just cannot stand those girls. Just like I can't stand Glimmer. She will probably die in the early stages of the games anyway: she wasn't trained to be a career like the rest of us. It would be a miracle if she even made it past the bloodbath. 

To get Clove's attention, I have to show her that I'm not like most boys: going after every easy girl. So I have to stay away from Glimmer and her games. I come inside her bathroom with my eyes closed and pass her the towel. I hope with that she can see that I'm not buying into her game. 

Another thing that I just can't stand is that she takes literally forever to get ready. What is she doing that's taking her so long?! I've been ready for half an hour already and she's still in the damn bathroom. I rolled my eyes. I guess I will just watch some past hunger games with the mentors, while Glimmer's "getting ready for training".

"Hey Marvel" Cashmere says cheerfully. I have to watch out for her too. Sometimes she has the tendency to... become Glimmer 2.0. 

"Hi." I say and sit next to Gloss. They were watching "May the odds be ever in you favor". The Capitol seems to like this sentence a lot. This way a show led by Claudius Templesmith and Ceaser Flickerman. They basically talked about the tributes' odds. It's not starring right now though. It usually becomes more popular and substantial after the tributes' training scores come out. For now, nothing new: the careers had the highest odds and the outlying districts the lowest. There was a big rank of the tributes and I was ranked second. For now. Cato was first and Clove third. The ranking changes as time goes by.

"Tomorrow there's going to be an interview with the Head Gamemaker- Seneca Crane. Make sure you watch it, he may involuntarily give some clues about the arena" Cashmere warned me. I nod hoping that she won't talk any more.

"The day after tomorrow there are going to be some predictions of the training scores so be sure to catch that too." 

"Is there anything more to catch? Because it seems like my whole afternoons are going to be busy with those stupid shows." I reply annoyed because Cashmere's annoying voice has one again pulled me from my thoughts.

"Easy boy, don't make us regret our decision of helping YOU through the games. Don't forget who you're talking to: powerful victors." Gloss warned me with a low, dangerous voice. I shivered involuntarily and nodded slightly. Gloss seemed satisfied and turned away. We watched the rest of the program in silence. Suddenly we heard someone going down the stairs and we looked up. It was Glimmer. Her hours of getting ready did do a pretty good job. Even with a training uniform on, she looked stunning. I found myself starring at her. I realized, however, that I wasn't the only one: Gloss was too. Cashmere smiled at her and then we all sat down at the table. Gloss murmured something to Cashmere, but even with all of my efforts, I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I gave up and continued to eat: I wanted strength for today's training. Suddenly, Cashmere speaks:

"Marvel, Glimmer, we appointed you a meeting with the district 2 tributes early in the morning at the training grounds." she says and I nod. Soon both of us are walking into the training grounds. The district 2 tributes, Clove and Cato haven't arrived yet. Glimmer attempts to make some small talk, but I try to ignore most of it. Suddenly, the door opens and Clove comes in in her full glory. Yeah, Cato's there too.

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