Chapter 17: If you play with fire, you will get burned

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Cato's POV:

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not working."

I laugh inside. It will be so easy to get the oh-so-famous Girl On Fire. And then everything will be arranged for dear old Cato Hadley. No competition left. I can already see the victory crown on my head.

With my lips so close to hers I can only imagine how badly she wants to kiss me. Making 12 fall for me will be a piece of cake. 

I put my hand around her waist and in a matter of seconds my lips are smashed against hers. 

But suddenly something unexpected happens.

Katniss elbows me in the chest and surprised, I pull away, giving her just enough time to kick me in balls. I drop to the ground unable to speak.

What the actual fuck.

What the hell is happening. Did a girl just.... push me away? ME?! I can't understand. I look around confused. I meet her grey eyes, but they look angry and annoyed. I really do not understand. Most girls dream about kissing me. She should be so grateful. Why the heck did she elbow and kick me then?! Ugh and that shit actually hurts. Nobody has ever dared to kick me in the balls before. NOBODY. How did a girl from district 12, I repeat 12, even have the courage to do something like that?! And after I kissed her?! No girl would ever ever do that.

But Katniss wasn't like the other girls.

And I should've learned that earlier. Before she kicked me so hard that I was unable to speak. 

Finally I recover my breath and slowly begin to get up.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" she begins shouting. Oh no, here we go. Now I have to deal with the angry Girl on Fire. For the first time in my entire life, I felt a bit scared. A BIT. Just a tiny tiny little bit. 

"I-I" I began, but I quickly came back to my senses. I'm Cato Hadley. CATO HADLEY. The most popular and good looking guy at school, the most wanted, the strongest man at the academy, the leader of the Hunger Games scoreboard, the leader of the careers and the future winner of the 74th Hunger Games. I'm not going to stumble on my words and be scared or intimidated by anybody. Especially not by a girl from district 12. 

"That was a kiss, haven't you had one before 12?"


"Why are you asking then" I continue calmly pretending that her anger doesn't bother me in the slightest.

"WHY DID U DO THAT?!" she continues shouting and I roll my eyes internally. Chill. It's just a kiss. And you should actually be thanking me knowing the number of girls who would give anything to be in your place right now. Actually, I would roll my eyes, but I meet her flaming ones and quickly decide that it's best if I don't. So I roll them internally.

"Because I wanted to. And I do whatever I want." I shrug and move a step closer to the girl with the stormy grey eyes. I know that what I'm about to do is pretty stubborn and quite dangerous. But she needs to know that she can't talk to me like that. Nobody can talk to me like that. She has to know her place.

I slam her against the wall, immobilising her with my hands and heavy body. She tries to fight me off, but of course, she's unable to do so.

"And if I want to kiss you, I will. Get it 12?" I say venomously and smash my lips against hers again. She tries to pull away, but my grip is too tight. Suddenly she bites my lip. Hard. And I quickly pull away touching my lip. I realise I blood was pouring from the place where she bit me.

Katniss had used the time where I was confused to slip away and grab her bow. And as if she hadn't already done enough damage to my body, she shoots one of her arrows at my arm. I can see it was precisely shot as it pierces right through my skin and lands in the wall behind me. I grin looking at the blood pouring from my arm.

"Just to remind you once again 2, my name is Katniss." she hisses, putting her bow down. Okay, "showing her who the leader is" was a bad move from my side. But it usually works. With other people. But once again, Katniss Everdeen proved me that she wasn't like the others.

"And you can't always do whatever you want." she says walking towards me.

"Ugh you didn't have to show it to me like that." I say showing her my wounds. She shrugs and says.

"Well, instincts, what can I say? I wasn't thinking. Just like yesterday."

"Yesterday?" I raise an eyebrow, taking my shirt off to use it to cover my wound and stop the blood from flowing. 

Once I do that however I find her staring at my bear chest. 

"What you looking at? My abs?" I laugh. But she doesn't. She simply looks me right in the eyes.

"No. Your scars." 


Hey! This chapter has been pretty tense, hasn't it? I know the chapter ends here (before we see how we got to what Clove saw in the previous chapter). Another chapter from Katniss' POV will continue the story from here. 

💋Next release date: 19/07/19 💋

😻Thank you all for taking a bit of your time to read my 17th chapter!😻

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👀Maybe Cato can't always get what he wants or can he?👀

🥀Cato and Katniss are both fighting their own battle against each other. Will it end in chaos or harmony?🥀

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