Chapter 26: A hot pink revenge

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Katniss' POV:

Okay yeah, Cato was the driving force of our "alliance", but he would've lost if I hadn't saved him from Foxface, which I believe was Clove. We would've been second if it wasn't for me. But the other part of why I must take the crown is because I need something to push me up the ranks and this is my opportunity. I will fight with everything that I have to get a better chance at winning those games and getting back to home and to Prim.

I didn't care if it was Cato Hadley or anyone else. I deserve this crown and I'm not going to give it away.

Cato's cold blue eyes were fixated on mine. I raised an eyebrow as if asking him what we were going to do with the crown and see if he would be willing to let go of it. But how silly of me to assume that Cato would ever put anything before himself. He glared me and I understood he wanted the crown.

"I think that we would both agree that I should take it." Cato's voice sounded in the big hall.

"And why so?" I cocked an eyebrow, just the way he does and I could see that Snow's smile grew larger. 

Of course, I knew that it wasn't an accident. President Snow wanted to "spice things up" as it was obvious that there were some tensions between us. 

"Because you wouldn't have lasted a second without me in there," Cato said with a pissed voice and a quiet "ooo" sounded from the crowd of tributes. I glared at the career and he straightened himself, trying to seem superior.

He was so simple. Always be the best and show the others that you are. That was the only principle that the brute from 2 was following.

"And you would've been 'dead' from Foxface's sword" I spit back and he growled quietly. 

Just when Cato was about to open his mouth and come up with another insult, the back doors opened again and a peacekeeper came in, another silver box in his hands. 

"It appears that the mistake has been fixed!" President Snow's voice boomed again.

Good. Because I wasn't in the mood of getting into a heated argument with the leader of the careers. 

We waited patiently for the peacekeeper to hand the second crown to President Snow. As soon as President Snow got the crown, he raised both or them and shouted again.

"I announce the victors of this tournament!" and with that, he placed the first crown on Cato's head which made him smile like crazy. Chill dude, the order doesn't matter. 

"Cato Hadley from district 2" his words were followed by applause from the tributes. Snow then turned to me, gently placing the silver crown over my brown curls. 

"And Katniss Everdeen from district 12" a few claps came from the crowd of tributes, but far less than what Cato received. I don't care as long as he doesn't come bragging about it.

After this small ceremony, we were sent back down where the rest of the tributes were and President Snow made his last announcement:

"Tributes please proceed to your apartments now! Tomorrow will be your last training day before your personal examinations so have a good sleep!" he finished and dismissed us. Yeah Snow, pretend like you care about us and our sleep when you're about to throw us in an arena to fight to the death.

But I did want to go to sleep. However, there was one thing that I had to do before that. 

Remember me totally hating Cato? Yeah? And me wanting revenge? Yeah... And now I want that revenge even more? 
Oh, and do you remember that thing that I planned with Clove? Yeah, our plan to get revenge on the blue-eyed career.

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