Chapter 32 - Swimsuit

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Pardon my French, but holy mother of all the god damn pearls in the fucking ocean, praise whatever Gods you believe in, or the heavens if you don't believe in a God.. this picture of Cato (sidebar or above) has got me feeling ways that I cannot explain.

Okay, carry on.

Molly.. she was all I could think about now as Cato and I walked down the stairs after our rather.. intimate moment on his bed.

What we did felt weird. It was like I knew my mind was telling me that maybe things were going a little too fast, but in the moment, I had no control over my actions or thoughts. Cato took complete control, and I enjoyed it. Knowing that I had never been intimate in any waywith another person, I expected that I would lay flat like a piece of wood while Cato did all the work.. but surprise, my body knew what to do more than I could even comprehend. My hips flexed, digging into his as much as possible, my back arched, my skin crawled with the lingering feel of his lips. My body heated up and I felt this weird sensation in the pit of my stomach, like I never wanted it to stop.

Our actions fogged my thoughts up until the moment we walked out of Cato's room. He was laughing at how frantic I was with trying to recompose myself before greeting his mother and little brother again, but I couldn't help it. I had done what could have led to very, very bad things. And being here with a younger child and his mother, I couldn't give off any of the vibes that I felt Molly had after I found out who she really was.

I had no idea who she was when she walked through the front door. I was too busy playing with Charlie that I didn't even realize the tension between the two, battling each other with their eyes. My first instinctual thought for Molly was that she is very pretty. Her features were already sharp and mature, with her chocolate brown eyes and wavy brown hair, she could stop any guy in his tracks.

That all stops, though, as soon as she even looks you in the eyes. And when she opens her mouth.. goodness, it's like a natural disaster. I had a feeling that Molly knew exactly what she was up to when she tried to seduce Cato in front of me. She knew it would hurt. She's rude and has no respect.

I'm glad that Cato saw through her. When he hesitated to answer, I really thought he was going to choose Molly over me and that would be the end of us. I saw something change in his eyes, something that resembled what I saw when we were in his room only seconds ago. He wanted her.. even if it was only for a second.

I think what was the worst was that he looked at her almost the same way as he had looked at me. I didn't want him looking at anyone else the way he did me. Cato's eyes trained on me made me feel so special, and I don't want that to change.

Once we got to the bottom of the stairs, Cato stops and stands in front of me.

"What?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" he asked me while placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Your face, it's still red. And you're being oddly silent."

Oh. I shrugged, not really knowing what to say. Do I tell him that I'm embarrassed about what we did earlier, even more because I enjoyed it? Or, do I tell him that his ex-girlfriend, or whatever they called what it was, won't get out of my mind?

"I'm fine. Just a little tired," I lied, moving around him to walk to the dining room. I was starving and looking for any excuse to try to clear my mind.

"You can't be tired," Cato said. "We still have to go to the ocean tonight."

I turned and frowned. "In the dark?"

Cato smirked. "Even better."

"But I don't have a swimsuit."

"Oh." Cato chewed on his lip. I was sure that all the stores here must be closed down now and I don't think his mother would have a suit that could fit me. I'm barely bigger than Charlie.

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