Chapter 11 - The Assessment #3

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Updating kinda sorta early because I love you for the 1K. I'm not really liking this chapter, I dunno, so please let me know what you think. Happy reading!

It's time for my assessment, and I'm waiting for something to begin, for the men to start to attack me. But nothing was happening... it was taking too long.

I stood in complete silence, waiting for the simulation to begin. It was eerily quiet as I waited.. and waited.

I was standing in the middle of the small space, bow and arrows ready, waiting for something to come plunging out to 'attack' me, but nothing came.

I glanced around, confused as to why nothing was starting.

I was turning around in a full circle when I saw one of the orange 'attack' men tip toeing toward me, a fake knife in his hand. He was just reaching to plunge his weapon into my back when I, surprisingly, took my elbow and crashed it into his face.

Once that happened, the men would not stop coming, and what surprised me was that the men were no longer orange figures, they looked like actual people. It scared me that they were real men and not fake, but I had to mentally tell myself what action to take before I took it in order to keep the balance in my mind.

Duck....Slide....Draw arrow....Release....Spin around....Elbow....Knee.

Good girl.

Arrow....Another arrow....Slide....Punch.


The moves kept on coming, my hair kept flying, and I carried each one out with ease, not even realizing the potential strength that I had until I was stuck in the small dark room with what seemed like hundreds of men plunging at me, trying to hypothetically kill me.

With every 'kill' that I made, my body filled with a rush that made me want more. I became thirsty to crash my elbows or knees into one of my attackers, hungry to draw an arrow and send it flying into the air only to catch its target. The rush made me feel alive, like I could do this for a long time and not get tired of it.

After what seems like a very long time, the simulation stop and the lights turn back on. My eyes burn at the bright light and I step out of the confined space, calming down from the high that I had only felt moments ago. My chest rose and fell quickly and I could feel the sweat dripping off of my body with every step that I took back into the training room.

I glanced around, quickly taking in my surroundings before I spot the assessors and notice that they are all staring with wider eyes than when I threw the knife into their confined space.

The bright red clock is flashing '0:00' over and over, but no one has said a word to me since I stepped out. I was hoping that their expressions were from shock more than anything.

I was shocked of myself for actually being excited for what I was just doing, but it made me feel as if I was born to do that.

Am I saying that I was born to kill?

I don't know. I did not miss a single kill in that simulation, and I will admit that I was very proud of myself.

I was mustering in my glory before I realize something.. I'm proud of myself for learning that I could be a killer. That's not something that I should be happy about, not me.

I stare back up at the Gamemakers, mumbling a quick 'thank you' before I drop the bow and arrows with a loud thud and scurry out of the room.

I slam the door shut and run to the elevator doors, begging my self conscious not to make me cry. I held myself together, shaking furiously until the elevator doors open and I squeeze my eyes shut, letting the tears fall.

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