Chapter 57 - Plan

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Four Months


It's been hell and heaven all at the same time. While Rose was happy, glowing and bright, she was also angry, mean and very loud. It was great, because she'd take the anger out on me in bed, but other than that, she was always hitting me and yelling at me.

I didn't know how to act or what to say to any of this. I was always cautious with my words and actions so that it would spare me a scream fest, and I always make sure to keep food around because she eats more than she blinks.

Today is a special day for Rose. We're going to find out the sex of the baby but she's super nervous. She told me that she wanted a boy, and asked me what I wanted, but I told her it didn't matter to me. Secretly, though, I want a girl. I don't know why, I just do. Maybe it's because I cherish the women in my life. Every single one I've encountered has been strong, independent, and loving as all hell, so I guess that's what is convincing me that a girl would be the best bet. If we have a girl, I'd name her Violet... no, Willow... no, Belle... no, I don't know.

Rose and I sit in the kitchen together, and I'm watching her as she just finishes her second meal of the day. We had breakfast hours ago, but she insisted on having more. I wasn't hungry. She jumps off of her chair and rinses her plate before moving to slip on her shoes.

Her belly has grown to a noticeable size. There's a cute little bump that she always likes to rub and stare at in the mirror like she cannot believe what's in there.

I like it, but it makes me scared. The months are passing by way too quickly. I never want her to go out in public because I don't want anyone touching her. The news got out about the baby, and now people won't leave us alone when we go out. I'm so afraid that someone's going to hurt her and we'll lose the baby, so I don't let her out without me.

She thinks that I'm suffocating her, but I'm just trying to keep her safe. I'm eternally worried about her, and now there's a part of me that I need to worry about, too. It's crazy to think that I'm going to have a baby. I didn't even think it was possible for me to have a steady girlfriend. But look at me now. I have an amazing job, I have a beautiful young woman to call mine, a baby on the way, and my family, who will now always be by my side.

I'm happy, but I'm also sad. Thinking about becoming a dad makes me think too much about my own dad. There were so many bad times, but there were also good ones. I used to love when I would be able to tackle him down and he would smile at me, proud that I was finally learning. I want to be proud of my baby like that one day, just not in the same way.

"Baby, come on, we're going to be late!" I yell from the kitchen.

Rose comes rushing out with a tight pink t-shirt and some jeans. Before we head out, I lean down to kiss her and then drop down to my knees. It's been a ritual of mine since she went into her second month. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the little baby bump while she rubs my hair.

I look up at her. "I love you both." She smiles and nods.

I grab her winter coat and put it on her and pick up mine as well. She shrugs it onto her shoulders and zips it up, the both of us slipping on a pair of sunglasses so that we can try to avoid being seen.


Rose frowns. "Don't I look ready?" she snaps.

"Yes ma'am," I mumble with a smirk.

She scowls and grabs my hand. "Then let's go."

"Alright, baby," I grumble under my breath.

I take her hand and lead her out of the penthouse. After locking the door behind us, we head out.

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