Chapter 42 - Okay

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A/N Listen to 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz at some point whilst reading this.

I'll see you sooner rather than laters, baby.

Her singing.

I must have waken up from a bad dream, as the melodic voice of my sister singing me back to sleep again flowed in-between these four walls. She held me close while we sat in the bed I shared with Mother.

Katniss sings about meadows, grass, soft pillows. I feel tears in my eyes and I watch my sister. She sings about me sleeping peacefully, dreaming about all of the simple, easy things in life. Katniss strokes my hair, letting the silky strands run through her delicate fingers.

Katniss sings about how safe I am in her arms, how it's warm and how her holding me would protect me from any harm that comes my way. Finally, she sings about how much she loves me, and how she would never let me go, even now that she's gone.

"I'm okay, now," she says as she finishes her song. "I'm okay."

I nod my head and close my eyes, finally feeling at peace. Katniss is okay. She's always been okay. Nothing has ever stopped her from anything, and nothing will stop her.

The tears in my eyes stuck to my cheeks as I woke up from my dream. I scrambled to wipe them away, but felt myself smiling. She was okay. She came into my dreams to tell me that she was okay. For the first time ever, Katniss was free. Away from worries, pain, heartache... She was finally okay.

Cato stirred next to me and opened his groggy eyes.

"You okay?" he grumbles, half-asleep, half-awake.

I sniff and nod, snuggling into his open arms. He held me close to ward off the monsters inside my head. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Even though I wish she was here, she was okay. And because of that, I couldn't be happier.


The amount of pain swelling in my heart was immense when I woke up the next morning. My heart clenched at the mere thought of my sister being shot and killed right before my eyes, all because Snow wanted to play a game with me and Cato. Lives were not Games though, not like the Hunger Games. This was real, and we were all hurting. But of course, Snow doesn't care, as long as he gets what he wants.

Cato and I slept with one another last night. It wasn't like we had a choice though... he needed my comfort and I definitely needed his. I liked the idea of us starting over, although it would be hard to go on from this moment.

When I woke, I was facing Cato, who was still peacefully asleep. The sun peeked through the blinds on the windows and cascaded his face. One of his hands was lazily draped over my waist, moving up and down slightly with every breath he took. His long, blond eyelashes brushed against the tops of his cheeks, his eyes fluttering lightly as he dreamt whatever dream he was having.

I think the only thing we can do now is move on. I know that it's stupid of me to think, but honestly, Cato and I need to think about keeping ourselves safe. No matter what, our families aren't safe, and we never have been. As much as we plead and cry, we can't watch over them from the Capitol. Snow does what he wants and that's final. We need to move on. Yes, we should be sad and want to cry every second of the day, but there is no use in dwelling in the bad because that will only make things worse for us. What we need to do is remember all of the good things about the people we lose... the love we shared and the smiles that they put on our faces. There is so much that we have both gone through. We've both lost people that are important in our lives.. Sometimes I just wish that things could be different, and that we could have met each other in another world---

Yours [Prim/Cato]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora