Chapter 56 - Try

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One Month

I didn't get through with my first day of training until eight p.m. I'm fucking exhausted, and all I want to do is get back to my baby, eat some dinner, hopefully fuck her, and sleep with her in my arms. It's all I've wanted since the clock struck three in the afternoon.

I turned the key into the lock and stepped into the penthouse, where Rose and Priscilla were sitting in the same place that I had left them in when I left: on the couch. They were curled up next to one another watching a show. Once I closed the door, Rose turned to look at me and cracked one of the biggest grins she's ever given me. I thought she was still angry with me.

Rose jumps up and slowly makes her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and holding on tightly. It was the best feeling in the world. My hands held onto her, pulling her as close as I could without hurting her.

"I don't think I've ever been away from you for that long since we met," she mumbles.

"Are you okay?" I ask. I didn't expect to be welcomed in with open arms and a smile. I expected to be yelled at and sleeping on the couch tonight.


"Because you were mad at me when I left."

"Oh." Rose frowns as if she doesn't even remember the small argument we had earlier. "I guess not. My mood has been shifting all day."

I walk to the couch with her underneath my arms, thanking the heavens that I've been spared a fight for once in my life. Maybe now we can just get right to the fucking...

"What are you guys watching?" I place a kiss on Priscilla's cheek before plopping down on the couch, pulling Rose back underneath my arm.

"The wonders of aloe and how it works magic on the body."

I roll my eyes, earning me a slap on the arm.

"Are you hungry? I made dinner." Rose stands when I nod eagerly.

"What did you make?" I force myself to stand once again and kick my shoes off before following her to the kitchen. I sit at the island as she pulls a wrapped plate from the refrigerator and pops it in the microwave to warm it up.

"Steak and potatoes."

Fuck yes.

Rose comes to stand in-between my legs while waiting for the food to finish warming, her hand splayed protectively around her front. My palms start to sweat. In nine month's time, there's going to be a mini-Cato in the world. Why the fuck was I given the ability to bring kids into the world? This nation can barely handle me as it is.

"How... how are you feeling?"

Rose shrugs. "I'm okay. My body is a little sore, but I'm okay."

"And what about the---" I motion with my eyes to her stomach and she smiles lightly.

She's carrying my baby, and the thought makes her smile... the twinge in my heart is sudden and short. She's happy to carry my baby.

"Oh, um." The microwave beeps before she can answer, and she steps away to get my plate, setting it in front of me. It looks so good.

I cut and take a huge bite as Rose comes to stand in front of me, watching me eagerly.

"So...?" she asks, eyes wide with hope.

"I approve." She smiles wide.

"You didn't answer my question," I say after a short while.

"About the baby?"

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