You Can Look But You Can't Touch

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"She's not the one." A voice echoes from the darkness.

"Patience. She heals fast not instantly." A second voice speaks, deeper than the first.

"No one could survive that, never mind a child."

A searing pain starts in my chest and flows through my body. I squeeze my eyes and force them open trying to force the darkness away. Blinking frantically, I try to see who is in front of me and what they are doing to me.

"Told you. That Seer was right. Sedate her, we'll drain her again tomorrow. We need everything we can get."

My vision is blurred, too blurred to see anything but fuzzy shapes. I squirm against the chains that hold me down, but the pain hits again and my body falls limp on the table.

"Hush little one. Time to sleep." The voice comes from above and I force my eyes back open. A figure looms over me; it's tall, strong, and familiar. I feel a nip on my neck and I instantly feel weak.


I bolt upright, blinking furiously as my eyes adjust to the light. Just as they adjust I'm pulled into Christopher's arms, his face is wet as it leans against mine. He's been crying.

Confusion fills me until I remember; Carl bit me, I'm infected. I frantically try to free my arm from the embrace to look at my bite mark. Forcing my arm loose, I pull it up to my eye line and see nothing. Absolutely nothing. Before I can comprehend what's happening, Christopher pulls away before peppering my face with kisses, his now signature move.

Between kisses he speaks, voice breathy and filled with desperation and sadness.

"I'm so...sorry...sunshine. I shouldn't... have pushed... you away." His sentence is separated by his little kisses before his mouth finds mine and engulfs it desperately.

Having his lips on mine is bliss and I can't help but let my body take over. I deepen the kiss, pulling him tight into my body. One of my hands slides into his hair and pulls lightly, the other hand runs down his back with my nails digging into him through his T-shirt. He moans against me as we are both completely lost in the moment.

Until we are interrupted by a cough.

I pull back and my eyes find Michael and Carl standing at the end of my bed. Michael's face is emotionless, but I can see the sadness in his eyes while Carl's face is stretched into a huge grin.

Wait... Carl?!

My mouth gapes open and he chuckles at me. I look at his shoulder which is nearly healed and my mouth drops open even further.

"What— How— What is going on?!" I manage to blurt out. Christopher sits on the edge of the bed staring intently at me. A doctor approaches, clip board in hand.

"Alpha Meila, how are you feeling?" She asks as she looks at the chart.

"Uh, Fine." My voice is filled with confusion, I still had no idea what was going on.

"You've been unconscious for a few hours, but as far as we can see there is no trace of the infection from Alpha Carl in your blood stream. You heal incredibly fast, even for a werewolf." She takes out a thermometer and prompts me to open my mouth before placing it in.

"What's more, after biting you Alpha Carl has started to recover. As you can see the infection has started to recede pretty rapidly." She removes the thermometer and writes the results on my chart. My eyes are darting around the room, not understanding what has happened.

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