Turoleo family

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The meeting was arranged on top of a skyscraper, on top of a floating city. They were completely surrounded by glass and only some tropical plants growing in the room offered shade from the sun. The view was amazing - clouds, a bright city and a sea of endless forests below.

Marcus was in an astral shape, so he wouldn't know how it felt, but both Purple and Tiamat, sitting next to him on right and left looked comfortable. There was Lunarian tea on the table - something even astral bodies could enjoy and Marcus did take a sip.

He felt oddly calm.

He knew the six administrators of Ahea, having interacted with them plenty at this point, they also sat in the room. There was also Agari, she seemed whimsical and called him step-brother. Looked like Stephanie had become a 'sister', so he was a step-brother by extension.

Both Purple and Tiamat were friends, perhaps even family and Marcus trusted that it would be fine with them next to him. So - regardless of how it would go - it would be fine. He would go back to Bill and snuggle the hell out of him and not leave the bedroom for two weeks.

He was trying to lie to himself, actually, he wasn't calm at all. His hands saught something to do, but then, at the same time, both Tiamat and Purple took him by those very same wandering hands, squeezing them and he felt Agari hugging him from behind.

Marcus felt embarrassed-- had he been that obvious? The Aheals were showing warm expressions and that made him even more embarrassed.

"Don't worry step-brother, no one can hurt you here," Agari said, then let go and sat in her seat and Purple and Tiamat let go as well as fourteen figures teleported into the room.

Father - Emperor of Hades - Nero Revo Turoleo - someone whose looks Marcus shared by a lot, it was only that their eye shape differed and father had thicker brows giving him a more serious look. Marcus had a bit slimmer build, so it was likely he would be a bit shorter than father, though.

Brother - First prince of Hades - Romuald Revo Turoleo - someone who had father's eyes and serious look, but was both taller and more massive than father. If Marcus was a pure scientist build, then Brother was a pure warrior build.

And the twelve council members, seven of whom used to back Marcus and five of whom had backed Romuald. It used to be 4-8 in brother's favor, then it became 5-7 in Marcus's favor, but now it might as well be 0-12 in brother's favor. Marcus did not know. The table in the room was triangular and wide - one plane only had four people, Agari, for some reason sat next to Tiamat. One plane had 6 - Aheal administrators. One plane had 14.

"I'm Nero Revo Turoleo, administrator and Emperor of Hades" father said looking over to Purple, Agari, and Tiamat. It was their first time meeting.

"Purple, administrator of the Boundary," Purple said.

"Tiamat, familiar of Gaius form Urea," Tiamat said.

"Agari, a lazy piece of shit," Agari said, showing a 'got you' expression towards Ahea's administrators, who all went 'ugh--' Well, nothing less expected from a perpetual 13-year-old. No sense for time and place. Marcus sipped his tea along with five of the other six Ahea's administrators. They needed to keep their mouths busy.

"She's actually our Aether creating species," Lauren chimed in.

"I saw the footage," Father said. "A pity Gaius isn't here."

"You can meet him in the Boundary Cafe, if you'd like," Tiamat smiled, slipping in a little advertisement that made Purple's smile widen a tad in amusement.

"If you arrange a time, then sure," Father said and also sipped his tea. He didn't seem too tense.

Then all the council members introduced themselves and finally -

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