Half a barrel

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Stephanie felt movement in her sleep and opened her eyes to find a shocked looking Purple staring at her stomach--

Well, he had been a bit too wild. They were right now in her room in the lake-house, clothes were scattered around, at some point they had moved to their real bodies and-- this might have been the most amazing experience ever. He kept feeding her aether till she could take no more then he ate most of it out with that incredibly erotic expression and Stephanie got really into it.

He had been so shameless, but-- not bad. Not bad at all.

"I can't appraise it," he whispered in confusion.

Stephanie had been under the impression that she had already gotten pregnant, so-- this only confused her, making her match up with his expression.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I--" he started turning red. "I don't recall anything past the fact of Mandy making me chug half-a-barrel of ambrosia."

Oh-- Well, that was something. "Maybe we can take a bath?" Stephanie asked, because while she could use a purification spell that would not feel quite as good.

Purple looked around the room, made clothes disappear, then teleported them in the bath-tub and made hot water appear, seeming to have mixed up the order a little as it fell over them a bit. He was totally flustered.

"Sorry," he said, as Stephanie brushed the water out of her eyes and put her now wet hair back.

"It's ok," Stephanie said and made herself comfortable against his body, then started recounting the events, starting a little bit before Mandy's rampage, as - better see if their stories matched up.

It all started with August dumping Mandy in a barrel of ambrosia with a done looking expression. That's when Marcus and Purple disappeared for a bit to do something together. Purple filled in that part. Stephanie was glad to know she had a comrade in suffering - so Marcus, too, had the alien experience of Purple licking his eyeballs.

After that Purple appeared in his full awesome size and turned out his tiny little feet were actually huge feet that only looked tiny in comparison to the rest of his body. He looked exactly the same as how he did when materializing in a smaller size, just - yeah, mountain-sized.

Dad had asked her how she felt about it and she had honestly expressed her regret of not getting to touch him because she was curious if he would still be soft even at that size. Purple blushed hearing that, but let her continue with the tale. After that - she had partied with her family + Bill's family + a lot of the time-traveler bunch because all of them looked like animal-eared people and they were used to each other as is.

Purple had noted to be very careful of the amount of ambrosia, so all of them only had a single sip. It didn't taste alcoholic at all, but when you did drink a bit you felt like you had moved over to a different place - a blooming flower field with moonlight above in a world where only peace, love, and oblivion existed. It was a world that invited you to forget everything that might bother you and run and live and enjoy.

And it was easy to see that whoever did drink a whole cup or more gained that entranced, joyful look on their faces like they really were a part of that world and most people did drink. Mandy kept floating snacks and drinks all over the place and went around with August sharing smiles and laughter, making some visitors a bit uncomfortable at first, but that changed completely in a few sips and everyone laughed.

Purple was around Tiamat and some other higher rank mythical beasts (according to Witch etiquette book's ranking) and Stephanie was having fun with her family, she had a feeling all they talked about was how bizarre some magical beasts looked and she and Marcus were filling in what those were and what they did.

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