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On a wide grassy field with sun setting beyond and casting rosy light, three figures were standing - a short kid with a presence of a god, a tall one with the dignity of a priest and a girl with blazing bronze hair and eyes. She too had divinity in her bearing even if hers was nowhere near the might of the child in front of her.

Around them, scattered, were sixty ninth-graders and five adults, all asleep.

Marcus's nose was no longer bleeding, but he reached up his hand to wipe the last remnants of the blood stuck to it. His eyes were painted over with clear hostility.

The girl shrunk. "I'm sorry--" she said right out. "Did I offend you in any way?"

Some confusion appeared on Marcus's face. This Hadean girl had no pulse or presence of a Hadean left, thus she could get this close without him noticing. She was now making a fearful expression after having knocked out more than sixty people.

"Why did you make them sleep?" Marcus asked.

"Weren't they-- attacking you, prince?" She asked.

Not all of them, but-- Marcus looked towards the sleeping body of Robbie-- she wasn't wrong.

"How long will they sleep?" Marcus asked, figuring he might as well leave the matter of questioning this ex-Hadean for a bit later. If she really had knocked them out to protect him and her gestures didn't seem to speak otherwise, then they might as well talk after cleaning up this mess.

"I panicked, so-- I didn't put much thought into it," the bronze haired girl said. "Maybe an hour, two at most?"

"Can you eat select memories?" Marcus asked.

The girl nodded. "I can select for time range or topic and add confusion effect. I can also eat out partial chunks of memory to make a memory seem hazy, but not make it appear to be missing."

Marcus felt like-- hadn't she outdone him with her memory eating skills? He couldn't select for time-range or eat partial chunks.

"Can you eat this guy's memories of the last five minutes and add confusion?" Marcus asked, pointing at Robbie. Might as well see how it looks in effect.

The girl nodded and ran over, knelt by Robbie and placed her own lips on his for mere two seconds, as she did, bronze rings lit up in her eyes.

"Done," she said and Marcus knelt down to check, with Bill right next to him.

Bill pursed his lips certainly not pleased at the sight, but he didn't say anything either, choosing to observe, like usual.

Marcus checked for himself and really, Robbie's memories no longer contained him having punched Marcus and the confusion was... there was a vague, shifting sensation of time. Yes, this would make someone confused about how much time had passed and made it feel like they had merely spaced out.

Marcus let out a breath. "Please do something like this for the last ten minutes of everyone here," he said to the bronze haired girl.

She nodded and got up, starting on the task right away and Marcus gave Robbie another 'kiss' to see what the hell was up with him figuring stuff out and attacking him as a savage would.


"There's something wrong with that kid," Amelie said with tears in her eyes as she held on to Robbie's clothes. "He suddenly became different," Her tears dripped on the floor. "I lied he hit on me because he fucked over my grade."

Robbie had felt confusion. He had no recollection of this girl, but she had shown him countless pictures of them together - shopping, dates, even some sexy ones. He saw a video of himself telling something, a video taken in secret. Then countless photos that were taken in secret, but-- not the kind that could be faked. She had been his girl--

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