Chapter 1

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"Paige? Are you still here? Your shift ended 15 minutes ago?"

I looked up from my phone, into the eyes of Mr. Jones, the man-wolf- who owned the coffee shop I worked at.

"I was just about to leave," I tell him, gathering my things.

He furrowed his brows and pressed his lips together. "You better get home and get ready, if you don't show up at the mating ball everyone you've been in contact with today will be blamed, I included, and we don't want that, now do we, Paige?" He asked me, the volume of his voice lowering ad his eyes flash yellow.

I clutched my bag and phone to my chest, shaking my head frantically. "I-I'll go now... I'll leave now!" I whimpered, before turning around and running out of the shop, stumbling into a group of middle-aged men, almost tripping one of them over.

"I'm sorry! I just... I'm sorry I was just in a hurry!" I tell them, fear still evident in my voice.

The one who had almost fallen glared at me, pulling back his upper lip.

I was just about to apologize to him directly when the back of my head hit a wall. Hard. Tears sprung to my eyes as I opened them, looking into a pair of glaring orange eyes. His hand on my throat.

He came so close our foreheads almost touched.

"Now look at you, little human-" his hand tightened slightly around my neck, making it even harder for me to breath. "-I could kill you so easily, just a little squeeze-" he tightened his hand just a bit more, "-and you'll be dead. Your family will find you dead, your body molested in the curb if they can even recognize it after I'm done. I'll crush every little bone in that fragile body of yours, making it completely impossible to ever get an identification, do you understand me, human?"

The other men around him laughed when I looked over their shoulders I could catch sight of a few others. A few were humans, looking at me with pity, the rest were werewolves who seemed to enjoy the show, seeing a human being slowly tortured to death right before their eyes.

Tears began traveling down my cheeks as his hold tightened, now making it completely impossible for any oxygen to enter my lungs. I stared into his eyes, they were evil, not giving a care in the world about the life, my life, that he was slowly taking away.

"Sir, I'll have to ask you to let go of that human's neck, as the mating ball is tonight, and she will be needing to attend the party, in case she may be someone's better half." A gruff voice sounded, I tried turning my head, but the grip around my neck made it useless.

The monster holding me up turned his face to the side. "You really think this one has a mate? It's ugly and pathetic, no one would want her anyways. Had it been mine I would've ripped out its throat to make sure I wouldn't have to live with that." He growled the last part into my face, or I think he did, my vision was blackening.

"Sir, please let go of the human." the man repeated. The wolf holding me against the wall pulled his hand off me as if my skin had burned him. I fell to the ground, coughing, and as I put up my hand to cover my mouth I realized I was coughing blood.

A shiver went down my spine as I felt a warm liquid running down my back from my head. I scrambled up against the wall, only wanting to get away from the monsters. The man who had held me up kicked and spat on me, before gesturing with his head for him and his friends to leave.

I got up shakily from the ground, looking at my savior, who was, apparently, a policeman. I gave me a flat look, followed by a distasteful frown.

"Tha-Thank you," I said, my throat flaming up in pain. He tightened his lips, nodding shortly, and then turning away, walking in the same direction as the men.

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