Chapter 60

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I tapped my foot against the floorboards, glancing over my shoulder to the window behind the couch. Nothing yet. I bit my lip. Allen entered the room, kneeling in front of me and wrapping his hands around mine. "Love, they'll be here soon. They're being driven here in armored cars, and they're all safe. The snow is a bitch to drive through. No worries."

I pressed my lips together and nodded. "Right, right, I'm just..." I took a deep breath. "Anxious to see them. And excited too. And with everything going on with my dad-"

"I will handle your father, my love. You just relax and enjoy the holiday time with your family. If your father starts acting up, I'll be quick to take care of it. Just... enjoy them being here."

Releasing a deep breath, I leaned into him and breathed deeply. "I'll try. Thank you, Allen."

"Of course, my love. Now, I have a question. I just want to be prepared- should I expect the cold shoulder now that your family is gonna be around?" his tone was teasing, but there was something underneath. Oh my Allen...

With a shake of my head, I sat up straight. "I might not be as kissy-touchy. But that's more because public display of affection is weird. But I'm not gonna pretend that I don't like you, or something. I love you. And I don't think it's helping my family's perspective of you that I pretend that I don't. They'll just have to deal with it."

He grinned, pride shining on his face. I couldn't help but kiss his cheek. "How about your family? When are they coming?"

"They'll be here in the morning, along with that new guy... Leon's brother. He asked if he could bring him along, and Sophie said that she'd poison my turkey if I didn't just follow along with whatever her mate wants... mated life hasn't improved her behavior in the slightest."

I laughed and nuzzled my nose against his, when he stiffened against me. "Sounds like they're here."

I blinked and nodded, flying up from the couch and heading for the hallway. And true to Allen's word, I'd only just managed to step into my boots and out onto the front porch when three armed cars drove between the trees and in front of the house.

The car in the front opened first, and spilling out came my Nana, Pops, and my grandma and grandpa. They stood shivering a looked around. My brows furrowed in concern. Their jackets definitely weren't suitable for the cold- and... and Pops looked exhausted. I hurried down the steps, Allen skipping down along with me.

Before I had the chance, Allen had stepped past me. "Oh goddess, Mr. White. You must be exhausted after to long journey. Come on in, get warmed up. I can show you your bedroom so you can get some rest, if you'd like."

My Pops smiled at him. "Yes, please. Thank you. I'm a bit tired- Zara, honey?"

My Nana pressed her lips together and nodded, and hurried in along with Pops and Allen. Allen smiled over his shoulder just as he walked into the house, and then I was left alone in the snow to play hostess for my family.

In the car behind the one my mom had come in, my aunt, uncle and cousins came toppling out. I wasn't even sure how Allen had managed to get them out of the other Alpha's pack. I had an odd feeling it hadn't been cheap... or particularly legal, either.

The last car, naturally, had to be the one my dad was in. I stared after the tinted windows, and raised my eyebrows. The door opened, and I had to take a deep breath when my father stepped out.

His skin was ashen, his cheeks hallowed like he hadn't been eating properly. I swallowed thickly, and walked past the rest of my family, throwing them an offhand comment about getting inside and getting rid of their jackets and shoes. I walked up to my dad, arms crossed. He looked me up and down, and I looked at him.

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