Chapter 66

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So, this is a short update. 

I've just been getting a lot of complaints. I can't begin to imagine why you've all been so desperate to get an update, but here's a short one.

Sorry it's short, sorry it's been so long. I've been crazy busy.

Enjoy... ish.


The world slowed as I heard the ice break. I was at least 20 feet away, but I heard it clear as day; the cracks, like glass shattering, and the water splashing as it engulfed my brother and my mate.

A split second of silence. Total utter silence so complete, that even the wind seemed to be standing still.

The world resumed once again when my mother's scream broke through the air, a cloud of mist mixing into the wind.

Mate in danger

I couldn't argue with Ares' argument.

My body tingled as I felt the fur prickle out through my skin, my bones twisting and breaking under my skin as I morphed into my wolf shape. I stormed past my father, who was only halfway towards the hole Paige and Austen had fallen through.

Blood thumbed around in my veins. My thoughts were incoherent one moment, perfectly clear the next. But no matter what, one subject remained; I had to save them. Save Paige. Save Austin. Save my mate. Save my brother. No time to panic, just have to save them.

I went snout first into the dark water, the shrill of ice moving through my fur and into my skin. I looked through the dark water, and towards the bottom, still sinking downwards, two forms were clutching onto one another. My hind legs pushed me towards them, going down down into the dark, icy water. My lungs pained and cried for air. My 30 seconds were almost up. I couldn't afford going up to air again, not if I wanted to be sure that Paige and Austin didn't...

No. I can't afford to even think it. Just swim.


My eyes closed against the cold, and I continued swimming straight ahead towards them. I opened my mouth, the last bits of air bubbling out through my mouth, and bit into the first limb I could get a hold of. My teeth dug into the flesh, and I did my best to ignore the metallic sting of blood against my tongue. Just get the the surface. Just save them, that's all you need to do.

I forced my eyes open, the cold water compelling me to close them again, but I had to make sure I was going the right way. A pool of light shone from a roundish disturbance in the otherwise overpowering grey surface above. I kicked with my legs the best I could, up up up, towards the surface, towards air. If I didn't get air soon, someone would have to drag me out along with Paige and Austin.

If Paige were to die, I'd follow her. I wouldn't hesitate, wouldn't doubt, wouldn't consider. If what I was doing was pointless, if she was already dead, I'd just jump straight back into the water and let the deep have me.

Desperation pushed around my veins as I got closer and closer to the hole in the ice, until finally, finally, my snout pushed through the surface of the water, letting me draw in a deep breath, banishing the lightheadedness off of me. A mix of a growl and a howl moved through my throat as I clawed at the ice that gave away under my paws each time. Coughing sounded in my ear, gasps for air. I chose not to listen to the tone. I couldn't let the possibility of one of them being dead distract me. I kept swimming forward, pushing my paws against the ice until finally it didn't break immediately. I dragged them up, relief washing through every muscle of my body when I saw Paige, despite her blue lips and closed eyes, was still clutching on to Austin.

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