Chapter 79

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Just wanted to update.

There's barely anything going on in this chapter. Deal with it I guess. It's 3.43 AM here and I'm babysitting two 10 year olds when in the morning.


Allen stood in front of me, his fingers working upwards to close my buttons one by one, concern painted on his face.

I reached up and stroked his cheek, a soft but worried smile taking over his features. Once he was done buttoning my shirt all the way to my throat, He reached over, grabbed his tie and tied it with ease around his neck. "Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "In all honesty, no. I'm not. I'm very very worried about what's going to happen here today. And I'm tired." He ran his hand through his hari, turning to me with a pained expression on his face. His eyes were reddened. "I'm just so fucking tired Paige. I should be... back at the cabin. I should be visiting my brother in the hospital, taking care of you, going to buy my mother in law christmas presents, watching crappy hallmark movies. I'm just so tired and exhausted."

I walked up to him, grabbing his face between my hands. "I know. Me too. I wish we'd just had the time and space to take it all in. For everything to calm down. But we gotta do this first, right?" I grabbed on of his hands with both of my.

He sighed, closing his eyes a moment. When he opened them again, he had a faith smile on his lips. "I appreciate and admire your optimism, my love. C'mon. It'll look better if we're there early. It'll eem more like we have our shit together." He pressed a kiss to the spot right above my eyebrow, and then walked with me hand in hand out of the hotel room, down the hall, and into the elevator. It went up instead of down.

He had a hand discreetly wrapped around my waist as the elevator went down, down, down. I shook my head. "There's too many floors in this place."

He chuckled. "It's New York, baby. It is too bad that we're here under these circumstances. Alpha Xiandre and I are the same age. We've been friends since we were children. We'd go up here during the summers when I was younger. I'm sure that if things had been different, he would have loved to show us around."

The door dinged and opened on the 20th floor, and in stepped a tall, muscular man in a beige suit. Sandy hair and pitch black eyes. "Speak of the sun," Allen said beside me, reaching out his hand.

Alpha Xiandre didn't return the handshake, but merely turned to the side to face the elevator doors. "You've really fucked up, Allen. Like, seriously. How in the fuck?"

Allen's relaxed demeanor didn't change. "How? Take a look." He said. When Alpha Xiandre turned to us, Allen gestured down at me. The other Alpha's eyes skimmed over me, before returning up to Allen.

"I understand that much. I would've done the same for Lola and Hannah -" he looked at me. "-my two mates-" he clarified. "But did you have to shoot the guy dead? Couldn't have just gone for the dick or something? Blown off his foot?"

I didn't give Allen time to even sneer out the vile answer that he'd clearly made up in his mind. I just replied calmly and deadpan to Alpha Xiandre. "He was going to rape me. He would have if I hadn't escaped when I did. And if Allen' hadn't shot him, Alpha Charles would have killed me."

Xiandre blinked at me. "Alright... understandable then." Then he looked up at Allen. "You sure it's smart to bring her into the negotiations? Mabel caught up to me Yesterday. She's about ready to banish your entire family from the Alpha lineage and appoint her crazy Mormon nephew to be in charge of your pack."

Allen narrowed his eyes at the other Alpha as the elevator moved further and further down the shaft. "First off, I respect Paige's opinion, and she wanted to be here. Second, don't you ever fucking talk about my mate like she's not here. And third, Alpha Mabel should at least bother to hear us out before judging this whole situation. No one's happy about it, least of all Paige and I, but we need to sit down and discuss this like the sensible, diplomatic and rational creatures we hopefully all are."

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