Chapter 71

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Hey there folks. 

I made a new cover for the story. I hope you like it.

Sorry for the wait, I've been busy reading up on my exams, and also I was in a hit n run on Friday, so I've needed some time to ponder my own mortality.

Tbh I'm not that concerned about dying. We all do that. I've accepted that fact. In some aspects, it's actually nice to know that there will be an end to it. Nothing can go on forever y'know?

And yes, again with The Sims illustrations. 


A constant cacophony of voices. Some talking about makes and models of cars, others about street surveillance, and some about raid strategies. All of it was equally useless as long as we didn't know where my Paige was.

"Someone found the car!" A voice called out behind me. I turned around, looking over the room. Makeshift workstations with computers placed on fold-out tables in the town's community hall. The mayor of the town had supplied the location and the furniture, whilst the computers and currently 74 people working to track down Paige was at the courtesy of Alpha Siksikawa.

I tore through the mass of people to the small asian woman sitting in the chair, looking at the screen. She seemed entirely unfazed by my presence. "You found the car? Do we know where Paige is?"

She frowned, pointing to a picture on her monitor. A van, like the one of the surveillance from the hospital. "This was on a parking lot in a forest area. There was no one in the car. The current hypothesis is that they transferred her to another vehicle in order to avoid detection."

"Well, obviously," I said, tapping my finger hard against the screen. "That car doesn't matter anymore. I need to know which car they put her in. Come on! How hard can it be?!" I turned to the room, to the people looking away from their screens and at me. "Find out what car she was put in. Look at tiretracks, or fuel types, fucking satellite pictures. I don't care if NASA had to get involved, I want my mate back!" My nostrils were flaring by the time I turned back to the woman.

She blinked, licking her lips. "The area where the car is found is a carpar- people leave their cars their before they hike up to a popular ski- and snowboarding spot. There's been too many cars there, there's no way to tell which tracks are from snowsport enthusiasts and which ones could be-"

"Then follow all of them! I don't care if you need to send out 300 people with magnifying glasses and guides on tire tracks, just find out which tracks lead to my mate - got it?"


I turned around to my father standing behind me. His brows were furrowed, and he walked right past me, talking in a low voice to the woman, then he turned to me, using a rough arm to guide me out of the main room of the community hall. "Allen," he said, after he gently pushed me up against a corner, trapping me.

"I need to get back in there, in case-"

"No, Allen," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Allen, I know you're angry, I know you're scared. Austin is in a coma, Paige is unaccounted for, Alpha Charles has been good at disguising his tracks. But son, you cannot under any circumstances take your frustration out on the people who are trying to help you, or you will run fresh out of allies. No man is an island, and that includes you. So instead, you focus on saving all that anger up for when you can rip Alpha Charles apart, after we've found Paige safe and sound. Alright?" His hands came to grasp my shoulders, one of them running over my hair.

A shaky breath left my chest, my anger evaporating with my father's touch, and replaced with the boneshaking, all overreaching sense of terror. "I just... dad I... I need her back. I need her back, safe in my arms." I looked down at my shaking hands, hands that ached for mousy brown hair to brush behind ears, to brush along soft curves and warm skin.

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