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So uh... I have a new story in mind but it's still on-going and I can't write consistently for now but here's a teaser! ♡


Lea held the translucent plastic package in her hand. There were five apples in it. The echoing footsteps and overlapping voices in the background were all tuned out. There was only her -- mind and heart, debated with each other. She weighed the reasons and risks in her head, silently stared at the apples; completely oblivious of a figure coming closer to her side.

After making the decision, Lea moved her hand to put the fruits in her basket. That was when the guy grabbed her arm to stop it.

Her reflex made her snatched her hand back and -- noticing that it was a man -- stepped away from the person to increase their gap. Her heart beat quite faster as she felt a bit shocked. As a Muslim girl, she was sensitive to any touch from a guy although it was layered by her clothes.

Her brows furrowed as their eyes met. His gaze held this kind of worry and expectation that she couldn't grasp. She tried to remember if they've ever met before but he didn't look like anybody she had seen. This man looked young; perhaps in his early twenties, just like her.

Her eyes glanced at his clothes and body features. Seemed average and casual. Overall, he didn't look like a threat.

The guy finally found his voice and spoke, "You should put that back," he said, regarding to the apples.

This just added the lines on her forehead. What a graceful way to introduce yourself. She ignored the judgemental whispers and composed herself to be in character. He was an average guy. This was the first time somebody had approached her personally this close in this surrounding so, she shouldn't blow it, "Why?" she simply asked.

The guy hesitated, "Because it isn't good for you,"

He knows. She was already alarmed, but curious at the same time. The hint of hesitation that she saw in him just now was replaced by the glimpse of determination as he continued to talk.

"I recognized that look, when you stared at the apples," he stated, "It wasn't a look of craving nor of a need... It's a look of wanting to destroy yourself," he explained while maintaining the eye contact, "You've an oral allergy syndrome?" he asked, mirroring her creased brows.

If she was surprised, it was not displayed on her face. His accurate 'reading' as well as his knowledge had secretly amazed her. Not many people knew about that sickness - pollen food allergy. The sufferers should not consume not only fruits, but certain veggies and peanuts, as they could cause some kind of allergy reaction to them. Herself was included.

"Earth to you," he snapped her back to reality, "I asked for a confirmation, princess,"

Her eyes squinted at his last word, "Who are you?" she asked spontaneously. She shouldn't be following her emotion but suspicion got the best of her.

He didn't need a 'yes' anymore to know that he's right. He shrugged, "Just a human who cares," a hand was lent out to her as a sign of demanding the apples.

She didn't budge and let out a wheeze, "Because somebody paid you?"

Her question got him interested. He took back his hand and tilted his head aside, "Who are you? A billionaires' daughter?"

'No, more than that,' she answered internally. It's confirmed that he wasn't a guy that was supposed to find her, "It's none of your business," she said, "Go away," She was about to turn her body when he swiftly snatched the package from her.

"Okay," he smirked and waved the apples, "I'm leaving," he put them back on their place.

His leaving steps were slow, stealing glances to the girl to make sure that she went away from the fruits area, too. He saw her standing still, stared undecidedly at the fruits, before finally walking away from the place.


"What took you so long?" Amy asked Adam who just got in the car from the convenience store.

"Sorry, something came up inside," he made himself comfortable in the driver seat after putting the stuff in the trunk. The ignition was on and he started driving.

"What? There's an injured person and you did the whole first aid process to them?" Amy guessed. She let out a cough and shuddered, "I'm sick myself here, you should've prioritized me," she said in a joking tone.

It was true that she had a fever, but it wouldn't be a reason for her to stop her driver; also known as her best friend, to help another person. Especially when he was known as a 'helper' in any situations he encountered that required his assist.

He curved a smile at his best friend's sulking tone, "Somebody wanted to harm themselves in there, Amy. You wouldn't want to have less time with your parents because they're too busy with a new admission at the hospital now, would you?"

She faked a gasped, hands on her chest, "Aww. So ultimately you did it for me?"

He rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips. She let out a chuckled. A sneeze came out from her mouth and she immediately uttered the praise to Allah.

Her body laid back weakly at the backseat, "I feel really sick, Adam. Maybe I should admit myself to the hospital. Probably could get more attention from them by that," she started to close her tired eyes. Her speak was still a joke, but it didn't mean to be a funny one. They both knew that.

Adam's expression turned into a sad one, "Do you want me to drive you around so that you'd fall asleep easily, or do you want to be resting at home?"

With eyes still closed, she smiled gratefully, "Let's go home,"


What do you think? Haha let's just hope I can finish this story one day.

If you read it till here, again, thank you. ♡

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