Chapter 22 - Change

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I opened the door to see him sleeping. Quietly putting the things on the desk, I took a seat beside his bed. The scar on his jaw was healing. But most part of his arms, legs, and abdomen were still in bandages. The wound on his cheeks had healed completely. My eyes darted on the scar on his forehead, near his right brow. It was more visible than the one at the jaw, but had faded too.

His eyes slowly opened, made me startled as I watched the scars on his face rather closely. His brown ones met mine. His lips curved a smile. "Good morning." Zack greeted.

"It's already evening." I let out a small laugh.

I stood up from the chair and unpacked the food.

He still watched me with that signature half-smile of his. "So you chose to check my scars instead of unpacking the things while I was asleep?"

"Well, you can't expect me to watch your scars while you're awake?" I justified.

"Who says?" He smirked.

My cheeks blushed involuntarily. I let the topic closed and asked him instead. "Have you prayed?"


"Called your father?"


"Good. Do you wanna eat?"

"You cooked?" He asked back while slowly trying to sit up.

"Well, Mr, if you expect me to cook then you have to wait for the next 3 generations because God knows and you know that is the last thing I would do to impress a man." I smiled sweetly.

"I've already impressed by many things about you." He still watched me with appreciative eyes.

I dismissed the words and took the food, went to his side again and handed it to him.

We were currently in the hospital, second class room with 4 beds. The other two beds were empty while one was occupied by an old woman. She was also sleeping when I entered. In case you're wondering where we got the money from, we filed a sue towards Ed for everything he's done to Zack and his family. The proof was found when the virus' codes was found somewhere in Ed's laptop, and he himself easily admitted that he'd done that to destroy a potential enemy before he even started his business, as well as testing his creation (virus). Killing two birds with a stone.

Plus, Ed had promised me to surrender.

After a lot of wrestles, breakdowns and convinces, he finally gave up and realized he couldn't win a battle against me. I was his weakness, and always will be. My heart ached for him, but it happened for the good. The polices arrived not long after Ana called them as soon as she heard the gunshot. Other employees were, of course, couldn't risk themselves to mind. But she knew me. She saw me entered his room and although she didn't know the plan, she said to wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she didn't at least try to save me.

The virus' drive was disconnected by me after 70%. It's loaded enough to prevent it from spreading to its acquaintances' systems. My mission was to ruin his company, not others. Plus, not all of them were dirty and I had nothing to do with the illegal ones so instead of messing with them, I'd just let the polices did their job.

Zack was saved on the same day and admitted to the hospital immediately. I had to go through some interrogations which I willingly sat for, but the police didn't know the full story. Definitely not the part where I was threatened because of that mistake. I told them that Zack and I had developed a 'special' bond and he asked for my help to investigate some things. The virus part was solely my fault for stealing it from Zack. Thanks to the mission, I got to convince them by my polished acting skill. They even thanked me for providing proves to charge the other parties for the illegal deals.

Now, everything went back to normal. If not better.

I didn't lie about the special bond. Zack's father had even joked to him about "already found the right one". It's just that, there were still a lot of things for us to improve ourselves before deciding for the next step. He's slowly changing, now stopping invading people's privacy and made dirty money out of it. Zack had so much potential and I was more than happy to always be there to support his changes.

"Rae," He called me as I packed some things back.

I replied with a hum and met his eyes.

"Thank you." He smiled.

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