Chapter 1 - Be Ready

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I heard a voice called my name. Turning around, I noticed a hoodie guy standing facing me. It was dark. I couldn't see his face nor his eyes, so I wasn't sure if he was looking at me. I nonchalantly turned back and started to walk.

"Hey, wait." he raised his voice.

It made me stopped my step but before I could turn my head, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, shutting my mouth. My shout was cut when he uttered something that stunned me.

"I know your secrets. One sound and the whole uni will know about it."

My eyes went wide. I looked at him up and down, analyzing the features. I've... heard about this guy.

"Z-Zack?" I muttered his name while his hand slid down from my mouth. He smirked.

"So you know me." He stated as a matter of fact. "I wonder where we met, but I don't think now is a right time to have a... small chit chat with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously?"

He seemed to be taken aback with my response for a second before quickly recovered; probably confused as to why I wasn't visibly scared like other people would. But hey, my heart actually felt like it's getting out of my chest. I just didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Can you at least wear gloves because touching a girl like this isn't cool." I said as I pulled my arm back from his grip.

His mouth was a frown, before turning into a grinned. He then let out a small laugh. It was cute if you asked me, but this guy was dangerous. There's nothing cute about him.

I kept my bitchy face that's written what's so funny? He gradually stopped and coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry." He said with a serious tone. Like he didn't just laugh before.

I looked around; paranoid if people saw us, recognized me and misunderstood. I was a student from Islamic Studies Department so I really needed to take care of my image.

"I need you to do something for me,"

My eyes darted back to him. "Help. You need my help." I said.

He sighed with annoyance. His eyes were still covered by the hoodie but I bet he's rolling them. Ego.

"You know Ed?" he asked.

That question caught me off guard. I didn't answer. It's probably a different person, I tried to ease my heart.

He smirked. "Edward Kaine, 23 years old, graduated from Prince Wellington College in Degree of Computer Programming."

Shit. I cursed inside. It's him. My mind was panicking but I didn't let it show.

How on earth they could know each other?

"I believe you're not in good terms with him now. But do you know? You're still somewhat special in his life." His head tilted aside as he stated it, as if questioning why I was still in that position even after we've been over years ago and from what I knew, Ed already had a new one.

"And I need that - I need you," he continued, "to take him down."

I was stunned. "What?"

He didn't say anything for a few moments. He must be studying my response sharply. Shaking his head with that stupid smirk played on his lips, he figured it out. "Love is really a weird thing, isn't it?" I stayed quiet. "You think you're over him and yet, it'd hurt to see him suffer."

I could feel my heartbeat getting faster. To be truly honest, I never wanted to see him ruined. But if I said no or like ran from this guy right at that moment, my reputation was at stake. He had my secrets. Hell, he had everyone's secret.

"I wish I can say sorry for putting you in this position, Rae." He voiced out slowly. "But then I wouldn't be meaning it."

I closed my eyes for a bit to calm myself. Never have I ever thought I'd involve with him, and in this kind of situation.

He stepped closer causing me to instinctively step back from him and crushed my back on the wall. His right arm stretched beside my shoulder.

"I won't accept no, do you know that?" He said with an intimidating tone. He probably mistaken my silence for refusing. "Something will happen very soon and I want you to do what I will ask you to do, okay?"

Again, I didn't answer. I didn't care if that'd make him mad or annoy him more, I focused on controlling my breath and keeping myself calm. There was no way I'd give away that I was terrified by his aura.

"Oh, and don't try anything funny," He added.

I automatically rolled my eyes.

Yes, we had a same ability. But he's more professional than me. I didn't go around digging people's deepest secret and stuff. Or make a job out of it. Social media was the most I could do. And it's just a private entertainment, nothing more than that.

He took back his arm and put them in his pocket. He eyed me again; though I couldn't see it but he obviously did.

"I hope you can stay this calm when it happens. You seem to need to struggle a bit later."

My eyes stayed on him until he lost from my sight.

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