Chapter 21 - Bullet

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I was stunned. Never had I ever seen Ed with that kind of serious, deadly face.

"I said, get off, that computer." He repeated.

I swallowed nothing in my throat. The CEO seat was left slowly as I exposed myself from behind the table.

Ed shook his head disapprovingly. "How could you." he said.

I scoffed. "How could you?"

He seemed taken aback by my courage but covered it in one second. "I do it for us, to secure our future, to build a new life with you together -"

"Bullshit!" I cut him.

"It's true!" He yelled. "I fucking love you and I don't want to see you with anyone else!" He had a sudden outburst. "We not being together were the most stressful episodes for me, Lyn. I couldn't live and I'd do anything, anything just to keep you." He confessed.

That was moment I realized, it was not love that he has for me. It was obsession. He liked the feel to be powerful, and owning me was one of them.

I processed the whole thing and responded, "Is that why you wanna know my secret? So that you can keep me?" I uttered the word disgustingly, as if for him I was just a material that could be controlled, and not a human.

He clenched his jaw but closed his mouth from answering my question. I waited, ready for any possibility. He might shoot me right now but I wouldn't mind. My existence had caused a man to act ridiculously and cruelly. If my ceased could change things to be better, then so be it.

After a few moments of silence, he asked calmly. "Are all those just a lie?"

I quiet, wasn't sure which that he meant.

"Are all those loving, understanding, and making me feel like home again... they're just lies?" He asked again.

I let a few seconds passed. "No."

He laughed mockingly. Probably thought I only gave a safe answer to avoid myself from getting killed.

"I loved you." I pressed the past tense. "And just like I said before, I care about you." I answered honestly. His laugh stopped.

Since we 'started over', I never said those three words to him. Because I knew that's not what I felt. And I bet he just realized that.

He gripped the gun more tightly. "I guess... if I can't have you, then I won't let anyone else have you as well." He stated.

I smiled.

That changed him to furrow his brows. He hesitated.

"If my death can change you to be a better person, and this world to become a better place, I'm ready." I said. "Shoot me." I'm not sure if this is counted as suicide but if it is, Lord, please forgive me.

I noticed Ed's hand trembled around the gun. It seemed like he's having a dilemma with himself. His grip loosen. He was nervous and he couldn't control it.

Eventually, he put the gun down. "This is stupid." He shook his head and turned away from me. "I love you. I can't just shoot someone I love, fuck." He swore under his breath.

As fast as the relief came into me, it disappeared after he did the next move.

"I don't deserve you, Lyn." He moved the gun to his head.

An alarm blew off in my brain. "No!" I yelled and rushed to him.


A bullet was shot.

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