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The doctor was waiting at the house when we got home. Xavier carried me inside the house even when the doctor looked at my side he refused to put me down. I didn't mind I had missed him. I couldn't believe what they had done to him and I cried when Clutch told me about the girl that had been killed in my place. The doctor stitched up my side and gave me medicine for infection.

"Angel, I'm never letting you out of my sight again." I smiled.

"I'm okay with that."

Four months later

I got up heading down stairs. It was summer now and the town was beautiful. After I came back, Xavier told me about blowing up the coffee shop. He felt bad about it but at the time he said he didn't think he'd be able to handle seeing it everyday if I wasn't there. They had started rebuilding with the insurance money they got after Xavier helped set it up like an accident. The Night Riders had stayed away and there hadn't been any sign of them even crossing into town.

I turned on the coffee machine and felt eyes on me I turned to see Xavier leaned against the doorway.

"Hey," he smiled but didn't say anything.
"Coffee?" I heard him move to the table as I got a mug down and poured him some. I walked over to him he was still just staring as I put the mug down in front of him. He took my arm and pulled me down on his lap.

"Angel," he said moving my hair behind my ear.


"I want to wake up to this every morning. I want to come down those stairs and see your face smiling at me like that for the rest of my life. I want you to stand by me and I want to be there for you every single day no matter what. I love you more than anything in the world, Angel." I smiled at him. He leaned closer kissing me before leaning his forehead against mine. "Will you marry me, Angel?" I froze letting his words sink in. I felt a smile slowly spread across my face.

"Of course I will"

Thanks for reading! I'm think about writing another one with the same club but about a different couple.... maybe Clutch and Blair... idk. Also there are some extra chapters from this book I'm going to put up that I took out just to not make it so long. Again thanks for reading!!!

UPDATE: I did start another and the first few chapters are up would really love to know everyone's opinion before continuing!!! Plus I love reading comments 😂. (Ps it is not about clutch and Blair sorry!🙈🙈)

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