A Bit of History

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"Everything okay?" I asked seeing Xavier storm out.

"Yeah, he's just... a pain in the ass." Eric sighed. I noticed he seemed older then the other guys.

"So, what's wrong with Hannah?"

"I think strep but I don't know."

"Aw, poor thing."

"I try not to leave them here unless I have to." He frowned.

"They'll be fine. I'll keep them away from him." I assured him.

"It's not that he is evil...I just don't want to risk it."

"I know he isn't. He just isn't...patient."

"You handle him well."

"How did you end up in the club? You seem..."

"Old?" He smiled.


"I rode with his dad."

"So did it start with his dad? The club I mean?"

"Yeah, he started it with a few military buddies."

"Just cause?" I pushed. He looked at me.

"We use to serve a purpose."

"That's vague." I said wanting more information but not sure if he'd give it to me.

"We aren't anything to be proud of anymore. We aren't useful like this. Everything is chaos now." He said looking at the table like he was thinking about something else. "I'm sorry about Jason last night." I shrugged.

"Xavier handled it." He chuckled.

"I will never know how someone like you crossed paths with him and caught his attention like you did."

"Thanks...I think?" He chuckled again.

"You're just good, I want to think that's what it was. He needs something good in his life." I smiled slightly. "He didn't scare you." It wasn't a question.

"Well he had his moments but he is easy to talk too." He smiled at me.

"You think so?" He laughed sarcastically. I shrugged.

"He...I don't know there is something about him. I know I aggravate him and I know he is capable of hurting me but I don't really care sometimes. Does that make me stupid?" He shook his head no.

"But be careful with him don't let him run over you. The rest of us do but you can get away with it."

"Maybe," He was quiet for a moment.

"Be patient with him."


"Just promise me, okay? He is a cold hearted son of a bitch but... there has to be hope for him.'' I nodded, not sure what to say. "Thank you." When the kids were done eating we went to the living room and watched TV. Eric brought some toys with him so we made a place on the floor. They were perfect. Around one, Caleb feel asleep and Jaden was going to get hungry soon so we decided to make dinner. He didn't care what dinner was as long as there was dessert. I made chicken and dumplings really fast thinking it may be something Hannah could eat too then let him take the lead on the cookies. When dinner was done, I got him a plate and he sat at the table. I went upstairs to look for Xavier. I heard his voice behind one of the doors. I knocked before walking in. He was sitting behind a large oak desk in a large leather chair. There was a computer lighting up the dark room. This must be his office. It looked nothing like the Xavier I knew so far. He looked up at me before hanging up the phone.

"Hey," I smiled. "Food is ready if you are hungry." He nodded. "Did you finish everything?"

"Yes, I'm done." He said throwing some papers to the side and looking at anything but me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute."

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