The Club

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The club wasn't what I expected. Parked outside, were lines of motorcycles. The music was blaring from the inside. When we went in, the man at the door stopped us...well, me.

"Where do you think you are going?" The man was huge with a black shirt that said 'Security'.

"She's with the club, Hulk." Clutch said putting an arm around me. The man, Hulk, nodded and stepped aside. I had no idea that the club would have so many people in it. I thought a lot of guys hung out at Xavier's house but there was about a hundred men and women packed wall to wall. The bar was full of leather jackets almost all reading 'Young Guns M.C.'. I noticed the women wearing them to but they said 'Property of Young Guns M.C.'

"Property?" I said out loud. Clutch chuckled.

"The women wear them when they are with a club member. It lets others know they are spoken for and not to touch them, also a warning to outsiders not to mess with them."

"Is this where y'all come every night?"

"No, usually we go to the bar, this is just for club members." I nodded. "You wanna drink?"

"Um, sure why not." After a few drinks, I wanted to dance. Me and Blade danced for awhile then me and Jasmine danced and soon some guys I didn't know jumped in. I was having so much fun. I wasn't drunk but I was tipsy enough to not care about the hands on my hips and body pressed against mine as I danced.

"Aubrey," I turned to find Clutch.

"Hey!" I smiled putting my hands on his shoulders and continued dancing.

"Xavier is going to be here any minute." He yelled over the music.

"Yay!" I jumped up and down excited.

"Yeah, so stop dancing with random guys before he kills one." He said seriously, I rolled my eyes.

"It's just dancing."


"I'd listen to him, Angel." That deep, cold voice sent excitement running through my body. I turned seeing him looking better then ever. He walked towards me taking my face and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer.

"I missed you." I said pulling away barely.

"I missed you, Angel." He moved my hair out of my face. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come." He sighed.

"From now on, you aren't going anywhere dressed like this without me." He said pulling away slightly and to look over me. Jasmine has let me borrow a black mini leather skirt and a tight leopard print shirt.  "You look too damn sexy." I smiled. "Come on, I need a drink."

"I wanna dance."

"No, you are staying with me." I groaned.

"Xavier, come on." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"If I see one guy touch you, I'll kill him." I smiled leaning up and kissing him before turning and finding Jasmine. She was staring wide eyed in the direction Xavier walked off in.

"You okay?"

"Is he mad? He sounded mad maybe we shouldn't dance." I laughed at how freaked out she was.

"He is fine, he always sounds like that."

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