It Was Just Church

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^Blair's outfit


I woke up the next morning wrapped in Xavier's arms. I slowly pulled out of his arms going to the restroom. It was Sunday morning and I was wanting to make the 10 o'clock service at church. I thought about waking Xavier up but he was probably really tired and I didn't want to argue about it. I took my phone out and called Clutch.

"Hello?" His voice sounded rough and I knew I had woke him up.


"Aubrey? What wrong?"

"Nothing I need a favor. I have church at ten and I need someone to go with me so Xavier doesn't freak out that I'm going. Will you please go?" I heard him groan.

"Fine, I'll be there at 9:30."

"Thank you."

"I better get into heaven for this." He muttered hanging up. I started getting ready, doing my hair and makeup before finding clothes. I found a dress and a jean jacket then glanced at the clock. It was 9:20. I hurried to change then rushed down stairs. Soon after Clutch walked in wearing a white button down shirt with dark jeans. I could see some of his tattoos through the material of his shirt, including the one of the Young Guns symbol.

"You look nice."

"I figured I'd try to blend in. You ready?"

"Yeah hold on." I wrote a quick note to Xavier leaving it on the table. Clutch glanced at it.

"He doesn't know?" I pressed my lips together. "He will kill me, you know that right?"

"No he won't. Look I will go with or without you." He sighed heavily.

"Get in the damn car." I smiled up at him.


At church I hurried to the choir. The pastor smiled seeing me.

"Aubrey, you're here!"

"Hey Pastor."

"Here are the songs for today."

"Thanks," I said grabbing them and looking over them.

"I know you weren't at practice but they are sang the same as always." He smiled. Soon church started and the singing filled the sanctuary. After music, I found Clutch saving us a seat.

"You aren't bad." He whispered. "Not my kind of music but it was good."

"Thanks" I whispered back. The Pastor started on the sermon about strength. After I made my rounds saying hello to everyone I missed in the morning.

"Hey stranger." I turned to see Blair. She was wearing a long sleeve, skin tight, black dress that stopped at her mid thigh. She was a little younger than me and a little crazy.

"Hey! How have you been?" She shrugged.

"Trouble," I laughed.

"I expect nothing less." She looked over Clutch, who's eyes were glued to her. "Oh, this is Clutch." She looked over him.

"Your shirts more see through then the one I got in trouble for wearing." She said. He smirked.

"I believe I would have liked to see that." She smiled a little.

"I bet you would." Someone cleared their throat and we all looked to see the Pastor. "Guess I better go before I get in more trouble." She looked up at Clutch. "I'm sure you will find me soon enough." She said sounding very sure of herself. He caught her arm as she passed.

"You could make it easier for me with your number." She tilted her head to the side like she was thinking about it then stepped closer to him.

"If you can't handle a little challenge, I'm not the girl for you." She turned walking away and he never looked away.

"Who was that?" Clutch asked.

"Stay away."

"Who was that, Aubrey?"

"That's Blair, she is the Pastor's daughter, stay away."

"Too late." I shook my head and before I could tell him that was a terrible idea, I heard a motorcycle revving up. Clutch turned to me.

"If he kills me for this its your fault." I bit my lip. "Come on, might as well get it over with." We walked to the parking lot to find a very pissed off Xavier lend against his bike with his arms crossed. I walked over to him ignoring the stares from multiple people around. He didn't say anything. He just glared at me.

"Hi?" His eyes blazed with anger. "Okay, your mad." Still nothing. "Look, I didn't come alone, and I know you hate waking up early and you were out late so I just wanted you to sleep. Plus I knew you would just send one of the others, so I brought one." He glanced past me to Clutch for half a second. "Say something." He uncrossed his arms and stepped towards me but keep his hands in fist at his sides.

"You never fucking leave without me knowing." He said in a low voice as his eyes searched mine. I swallowed feeling like a kid in the principal's office. I nodded. He took a deep breath like he was trying to calm himself.

"I'm sorry." His eyes softened slowly and he reached out pulling me to him. I let him, wrapping my arms around him. He took my face in his hands.

"This is new to me, Angel. You cannot just disappear again." I nodded.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Yes." I frowned. "No, I was just..."

"Worried?" Clutch finished. Xavier glared at him.  "Sorry" Xavier looked back at me.

"Let's go home."

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