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The day before

The room was dark and dirty. My head was pounding and the blood from my head was sticky on my face. I knew their plan they were going to kill me in front of him. They wanted him to suffer his 'greatest loss' as they put it. The door opened and four men walked in smirking evilly. God, this is not how I'm going to die. I am not going to let them win and they are not using me against someone I love. A man jerked me off the ground causing me to scream as pain ran threw my body. He laughed.

"Get her in the truck we are meeting him soon." He pulled me outside and the light blinded me for a second. The man stood at the back of a van while all the others went towards their bikes that were in front. I noticed a suitcase on the ground it was open and full of knives and guns.

"Make sure you grab that bag in case he tries anything!" One yelled over the bikes as they reved up. The man grabbed me pulling me forward trying to hold me while unlock the back of the van. I yanked away from him and in anger he drew back backhanding me. I fell beside the bag on the ground

"Bitch" the man muttered as he turned to work on unlocking the van. I quickly grabbed two of the gun and turned shooting him. He yelled in pain as he slid down the van. I pulled myself up running toward the woods. It wasn't long before the others noticed and I heard heavy footsteps behind me cracking the sticks as they chased after me. I remembered watching a cop show where the cop said to run zig zagged to keep from making an obvious route. I randomly turned and ran every different way while praying I wasn't getting turned around and heading back the way I came. My lungs burned and I felt my legs becoming weaker and weaker but I couldn't stop I had to get into thicker woods. I thought of Xavier being a child and doing this. If he could do it then I could do it now. I was too focused on not stopping I didn't see the drop off where the mountain side ended. I feel down the side feeling the burn of rocks and thorns ripping at my skin. I rolled into muddy water that had ran off the mountain. I reached for the guns that I had dropped and when I did, I felt a sharp pain shooting through my side making me feel light headed. I had ripped my side and hip open and blood was slowly covering my clothes. In the distance I heard yelling. The voices were getting closer. I pulled myself close to a fallen tree and started covering myself in leaves and dirt.

"Anything?" I heard one yell in the distance. I forced myself to stay completely still.

"No she must have seen the drop." Another voice yelled back. I didn't dare move. I closed my eyes just needing to rest for a moment.
I woke up to the sound of sticks snapping. I jumped up with the guns and saw nothing it was pitch black. I looked at my side that wasn't looking to great. I needed help. I forced myself to start walking while my side protested with ever step. I saw a dim light in the distance and followed. When I got closer I noticed it was a street light over a small blue gas station. The lights were on but no cars were out front. It was my only hope right now. I walked towards the door as quickly as I could not wanting to be in the open view of the street. I knew the Night Riders wouldn't give up that easily. I needed a phone. I opened the door and I noticed there was no bell signaling my entry. I quickly went to the back were a phone/restroom sign hung. There was an old phone hanging on the wall beside the bathroom that looked as if it hadn't been used in many years.
I dialed Xavier's number but he didn't answer. I call six times praying he'd pick up. I tried Clutch and while dialing his number I heard someone moving around up front I stretched the cord into the bathroom closing the door quietly and locking it as the phone rang.

"Come on, Clutch please pick up!"


"Clutch, I need you!" He didn't say anything for a moment.

"Is this some kind of prank?" He demanded sounding angry.

"Clutch, it's me, its Aubrey! I need help! I just got to a phone and Xavier won't answer!" I could hear the pain in my voice. My side was on fire and I was trying to stay calm.

"Chase!" I Heard him yell before speaking again "Where are you?"

"At a run down gas station, I need a doctor but I'm afraid they will look for me in the hospital." I started crying as the pain in my side increased with my panic.

"Aubrey?!" Chase's voice sounded shocked. I ignored it.

"Please hurry they can't be far!"

"Aubrey! Where are you tell us where to go!" I described the gas station Id seen before coming inside and prayed that was enough.

"I'm coming, hang on okay!"

"Okay, please hurry!" He hung up and I left the phone hanging from the cord through the door. I grabbed paper towels putting pressure on the cut as I turned on the water. I attempted to clean the dirt and sticks out of the wound but I needed to stay quiet and the pain was too much.

I felt like I was in there hours before I heard heavy footsteps coming down the small hall outside the bathroom.

"Aubrey." I sighed In relief as I reached to unlock the door and saw Clutch. I grabbed onto him and started crying again. He wrapped his arms around me kissing my head. I Looked up to see tears in his eyes.

"What is it?"

"You have no idea what we have been through the last twenty-four hours."

"Get in line." He laughed kissing my head again.

"We have to go, we have to find Xavier."

"I need a doctor." He looked at my side before bending down like he was going to pick me up.
"No you were just shot a few days ago! I'll walk just walk slow." I followed him out thankful he was in the car. He took off down the road and I started to recognize the houses this wasn't the way home this was the way to the Night Riders.
"Clutch, where are we going?"

"To stop Xavier. Aubrey, he thinks your dead."

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now