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As soon as Penny had found out that she was going to be staying with Bruce, she couldn't be happier. Bruce is a good guy, and he already has a ton of kids, so adding her to the mix, probably won't do much. Well one thing that will change is the fact that she'll be happy in a home. 

So the police officers left, and so did the bad social worker. All the other kids were getting moved to different homes, but they too where all staying in Gotham. So everyone else packed, and Penny helped the younger ones do so. She was super happy that she would be able to stay, but she was ad because she wouldn't be able to see all her friends from the home as often as she used to. While Penny helped the kids pack, Bruce and Alfred gathered the boys and told them that Bruce was going to foster Penny. They were all super excited about this. Over the few weeks that Penny was staying there, she had made a connection with each of the boys. She made a smart connection with Tim, a gymnastics connection with Dick, a video game connection with Jason, and a literature connection with Damien. Plus she got them all into Harry Potter and Star wars too. Plus they were excited to finally have a girl in the house.

After Penny finished helping the younger kids pack, she went to Jackie and Daphne's rooms. They'd be the two people she would miss the most. She found that both of them were inside Jackie's room so she just went right to that room. She knocked on the door, and opened it. Once she saw them she smiled and ran over to hug them. 

"I'm going to miss you guys. It won't be the same living in a place where you two aren't."

Jackie laughs, "Yeah... I'm just glad that you're finally going somewhere good."

"Totally. You've probably been the most mistreated out of all of us. Besides, you fit right in here. I mean you befriended those boys, Bruce, and Alfred so easily. This is definitely where you belong."

Penny smiles, "Thanks guys. I hope that you guys go somewhere good."

"Me too, but I mean she told us that we're being put into the same house, so we'll be ok."

Jackie and Daphne pick up their bags, and sling them over their shoulders. They grab the rest of their things and the three girls continue to talk and laugh with each other until they reached the main room, where all the other kids are waiting. They continue to talk, and the ones that aren't sticking together say goodbyes to the ones they probably won't see until school. All the younger kids... well everyone hugged Penny goodbye, for they might never see her again. I mean she goes to the different school, and she's staying with Bruce. Then as the last one said goodbye to her, the social workers got there, and started taking the kids.

Penny turned to Jackie and Daphne, "You guys need to keep in touch with me, you're like the only girl friends that I have."

The three hug each other and then as they leave Daphne says this, "Well, we have your number so, we'll keep in touch."

Once everyone was gone, Alfred told Penny that if she wanted to she should probably change and maybe take a shower, for she won't get the chance tonight. Apparently everyone is going to be celebrating the fact that Penny is staying with them. Penny thought it over, and agreed with him, she should definitely take a shower. So she ran back to her new room, in her new home, and into her new bathroom that she gets to herself. 


Penny hopped out of the shower, and smiled. It's been a while since she's been able to take such a long, hot shower. She dried off her body, and wrapped the towel around her head. Then she changed into a new clean outfit. This outfit consisted of black leggings, a science pun t-shirt, converse, and a sweater. Once she was done dressing she quickly dried her hair, and exited the bathroom. She put a few things in the room away, and exited into the hallway. 

She walked through the halls and followed the voices of her new family with her enhanced hearing. When she stepped into the doorway, she went unnoticed, but at the moment she didn't care. Penny watched her new family set up a few different board games, all while they were fighting. A smile fell onto her lips once she saw the cover of the game, Clue, the old version. It's a game Ned has at his house, and they love to play it with his family. Though Ned's family will claim that Penny cheats, she never does. 

They had almost finished setting up the game, when Penny noticed something. Alfred's not here. She cannot celebrate by playing board games with Tim, Damien, Jason, Dick, and Bruce, without Alfred. So quickly Penny slips out of the room, and goes off to find Alfred. She finds him in the kitchen. 

"Alfred, aren't you coming to play games with us?"

Alfred turns around to face Penny, "Unfortunately no. I must prepare dinner."

Penny's face drops. She looks to the ground, then back to him. She walks up to him and says, "Alfred, I can't celebrate without you. You're apart of this family too, besides, you could always just order pizza... You probably need a break from cooking anyways."

Alfred smiles and takes Penny's out stretched hand. "Ok, fine. But only because we are celebrating."

Penny smiles brightly at him, "Thank you! Come on, let's go!"


Like always Penny won clue. It was close between her and everyone else but she won. She knew that it hadn't been because they had let her, it was just she was that good at Clue. But Penny could tell that their skills of playing the game Clue, didn't originate from Clue, but from something else. She didn't say anything though. After that they played poker, battle ship, Mario cart, and finally truth or dare. 

So far here's what happened:
Dick took a dare, his dare was to do thirty back flips in a row. He did them, but after he finished he fell over, and had to lay down for a few minutes. 
Tim took truth, his truth was what the most rebellious thing he ever did was. Tim claims that he pretended to be sick, and then invite a few friends over.
Jason took dare, his dare was to wrap his body in toilet paper and stay like that for three hours.
Bruce took dare, his dare was to drink hot sauce and vodka. He almost got sick.
Bruce then tried to ask Alfred truth or dare, but ended up not doing it because of the look he sent him and everyone else. Alfred is not playing the game.
Damien also took dare, his dare was to prank call the pizza place. He ended up confusing himself, and not the pizza place.

Then it was Damien's turn to ask Penny.

"Penny, truth or dare?"

Penny thought it over for a few moments before answering, "Truth."

"Do you have a crush on someone? If so what's his or her name?"

Immediately Penny blushed. This caught the attention of everyone in the room. They all looked to her in anticipation, all thinking the same thing. If she likes this boy, and if he hurts her, he's going to die.

"MJ. His name is Michael Jones, and he's in my grade," Penny says smiling brightly.

"Well, I now know who I have to kill," Jason says suddenly.

Sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks!

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