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Penny looked through the pictures, and sighed at the ones of the foster home being destroyed. She wasn't too worried about getting hurt at the moment because the Justice League had gotten whatever villain it was this time, and happened to be leading him over to the police. Quickly Penny ran up to the scene and started taking pictures of the Justice League arresting the villain, and them all talking together. There were other people getting pictures of them, but for some reason she got their attention. 

Penny just happened to be taking pictures of them, when Superman and Batman both turned their attention to her. She got pictures of them looking right at the camera, and when she did she smiled and decided to take a look at them, I mean she probably has enough. She looked down at her camera and was soon approached by the two supers. 

"Kid, are you alright? What are you doing here?" Superman asks her.

Penny looks up at him, quickly snaps a picture of his concerned look, and replies. "I'm taking pictures, it's my job."

"Where do you live? Need a lift home by any chance?" Superman smiles.

"No I don't. I lived over there in a foster home, but you destroyed it. Thanks, by the way," Penny says, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Bye."

Penny didn't take another look at them. Superman's face was all the satisfaction she needed. he looked so upset. But I mean Penny did tell him that she's a foster kid, and he destroyed the foster house she was living in. Penny laughed to herself, and continued to make her way back to the group. She passed firemen, police officers, the press, and of course normal people. When she got back to her group, she was able to slip in without anyone noticing. Mrs Jefferson hadn't noticed that she had left to take pictures. Good. She stood next to Jackie, and grabbed a hold of her bags, making it look like she hadn't moved at all. Penny smiled at the two eldest girls, and whispered in their ears.

"Superman destroyed the home."

"What?" Jackie whisper yelled.

"He was thrown into the house and the whole thing collapsed."

"What are we going to do?" Jackie asks.

"Where are we going to live?" Daphne replies.

They were cut off because at that moment Mr Jefferson came up to them. He quietly talked to Mrs Jefferson, but Penny was still able to hear him. Perks of her powers. he was telling her that he went to look at the house, but found it destroyed. he started talking about how they were probably going to have to move, and give up all the kids during the process. He talked about the money it would cost, and how much of a hassle it's going to be. That's when Mrs Jefferson told him to call Bruce Wayne. She said that he'd probably help them considering he's helping a bunch of orphans and such. So instead of telling everyone else who didn't know the house was destroyed, they called Bruce Wayne. They told him what happened, and something happened that Penny didn't expect. Bruce Wayne offered to house all of them, while he had his people re-build the house. He also told them that he would be sending two cars to come and pick them all up. 

Once Mr Jefferson hung up the phone he told his wife everything and then turned to the kids, still waiting.

"Ok brats, we're going to be staying with Mr Wayne for a while. This means no screwing up, screwing around, nothing. You'll all be one your best behavior or you'll get it. Understand?"

Choruses of Understood rang out between the group of kids. They had to be the best kids ever, they couldn't say anything about the abuse, they couldn't make any sort of trouble. If they did, they'd probably get the worst beating of their life. None of the want that so they all agreed. They'd all put on a show for however long they'll be staying with the Wayne's.

So all the kids ended up sitting on the sidewalk as they all waited. Penny showed Daphne and Jackie the pictures she took, and when she finished with that they all just talked. It wasn't a lot of talking for soon after, two limos pulled up besides them. From one, Alfred stepped out, and from the second stepped out Mr Wayne himself. Everyone was surprised to see him, and he explained it as there's only one driver, and he wanted to make sure everyone was ok. So Mrs Jefferson, and the six youngest kids all went into the limo with Alfred, while Mr Jefferson and everyone else went into the limo with Mr Wayne. Penny had to sit next to Mr Jefferson, and it was the most awkward car ride she's ever had. There was so much tension, and no one said a word. A few times though, Penny caught Mr Wayne looking back at her and at all the kids. He seemed concerned, but she didn't know for sure.

The car ride was ten minutes, and as soon as the car stopped outside the mansion, the side door was immediately opened by Daphne. Penny breathed a sigh in relief as soon s she stepped out of the car, and as soon as her personal space wasn't being invaded by Mr Jefferson. She put her bags over her shoulders but stopped to stare at the outside of Bruce Wayne's mansion. She whistled at it, and she couldn't believe her eyes. This is Bruce Wayne's mansion? It looks like a castle. Slowly she followed everyone to the front door. As soon as she stepped through the door, she almost dropped her bags. Her mouth dropped open though and the words, 'oh my god', came out of her mouth. His home is... oh my gosh, it's huge and it's super fancy.

Everyone's face, including Mr and Mrs Jefferson had a look of awe.

Bruce laughed at them, and said that Alfred would show the adults to their room, and he would show the kids to their rooms. So all the kids headed up the grand marble stair case, while the adults went down a hallway littered with expensive paintings. All the kids, except for Penny, their shoes clicked against the marble floors, but that's because Penny's wearing old converse, while everyone else are wearing nice black shoes. 

In the first room Suzie and Giuliana are sleeping in it.

The second room is for Caroline and Laila.

The third is for Thomas and John.

The fourth is for Gian and Jack, the twins.

The fifth is for Tyler.

The sixth is for Daphne.

The seventh is for Jackie.

The last room, the eighth room is were Penny is going to be sleeping.

Being the last one to be shown her room, Penny said a quick thank you, and asked him a few questions. She asked him if they'd all be joining his family for dinner, and breakfast. She also asked about if they were going to meet them, and how long they'd all be there. He told her that they should be in his home for about two months, maybe longer depending on how long it takes to re-build the home. He said that yes they would all be eating together with his family, and that they would probably meet his boys at dinner. You know so they all have time to unpack their things. After that she again said thank you, and went into her room. 

When she entered her room that she'll be sleeping in for the next two months, she couldn't help it. She dropped all her things and ran over to the bed. She jumped onto it, and smiled. This is the most comfortable bed she's ever been on. 

After about ten minutes of just jumping on he bed, she went over to her things and unpacked her little clothes into the closet. She put all her pictures on the desk, along with her camera. The room still looks as bare as it did when she got in, but that doesn't really matter to her. So after she finished unpacking everything, she put her empty bags into the closet, and went over to her school bag. Before she started her homework she texted Ned, updating him on what's happened, he seemed a little jealous. After, she started her homework, I mean there's nothing to do at the moment and she has to do it anyways, so why not now. 

So she sits on her floor surrounded by papers. Math, science, history, all her homework is strewn around her. And that's how she's found by one of the Wayne's.

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