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The next day when penny woke up, she felt off. She woke up last night to something, and she doesn't know what. To her it felt as if she was being watched, but there was no one else in the room, and no one could have been watching her from outside her window, I mean she's on the second floor, they'd have to be on the roof in order to do that. 

Penny shook off the feeling and tore the covers off of her body, letting her bare feet hit the cold wood floor. A shiver was sent through her, as she walked to the closet. She picked out an outfit that consisted of jeans, a science pun shirt, and a zippered hoody. She slipped on her shoes, and like every morning she went right to the bathroom to get everything else done. Also like every morning when she got back into her room, she found both Jackie and Daphne getting ready themselves. Last night Penny packed all her things away that she needs for school, so she doesn't have anything to do but wake up the other kids. So she went to all their rooms and woke them all up, and like clockwork helped some of them with their uniforms. 

When Penny eventually got downstairs to have breakfast she found that this morning Mr Jefferson hasn't left for work yet. Taking a deep breath Penny sat down in her seat at the table along with everyone else, and began to eat in silence. Mr Jefferson read the paper, and ate his breakfast, thankfully ignoring the kids surrounding him. 

When Penny finished, she went to the kitchen and made everyone a lunch for the day. Since Mr Jefferson is up, and he probably hasn't made one yet, she made one for him too. He'd probably get mad at her for not taking the time to make him one anyways since she was already there making one for herself and the kids. Once she finished she gave everyone theirs and packed hers into her backpack, before returning to the table with Mr Jefferson's lunch. She stood next to the burly man and began to speak.

"Mr Jefferson?"

His head never turned, but his voice did show annoyance, "What is it girl?"

Penny held out the lunch and placed it on the table in front of him. "I made your lunch... since I was already... making... lunches..."

"This better be a good lunch," he said snatching it from the table and abruptly standing up from his seat.

Penny backed away from him seeing as she was in his path, but apparently she didn't move fast enough because not even a second later she was on the ground. He had pushed her to the ground, hard. The mark from hitting the hard wood floor would most likely leave some sort of bruise. He stalked away from her not sparing a second glance. Penny shook her head and let out a sigh. Slowly she picked herself up off the ground and she walked over to her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and running out the front door to say bye to everyone. 

Like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, Penny had been walking to he metro station when she crossed the street. She had crossed of course at a cross walk and when she was supposed to. But it seems as if whoever was driving the Wayne limo that houses all the Wayne boys, wasn't paying good enough attention for they almost hit her head on. They had slammed on the break and stopped barely an inch away from her legs. Of course her spider sense had warned her, but how would it look if a girl crossing the street, not paying attention to the car coming at her, suddenly went faster or did something to get out of the way of a car? It wouldn't look good, and people would probably be kinda curious of her, which she doesn't really want. So instead as soon as the car came to a stop, she jumped a bit and looked at the driver with wide eyes. Being kinda annoyed she yelled at the driver whom she didn't realize was Alfred, one of the men she fed yesterday.

"Hey, I'm walking here!"

He opened his door, and got out, but didn't get the chance to say anything. Penny had looked down at her watch only to find that her train should be at the station any minute now, meaning she might miss her ride to school.

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