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Penny didn't wake up until 10:30 in the morning which was a surprise considering her nerves about telling the boys about her powers, and the fact that she hasn't slept past 9am since she was 12. Slowly Penny's eyes adjusted to the light in the room, and when they did her eyes were immediately drawn to the younger sleeping boy. A small smile fell onto her face as she looked at him. Usually Damien is tense and guarded, but now he looks so peaceful. 

Penny waited a few moments before slowly getting out of bed. She knows that even though he had joined her because of a nightmare, and was comfortable to fall asleep, she knows that if he wakes up to her being awake he'll be uncomfortable. Not because he didn't want to be there, but because Penny could tell that Damien wasn't very used to comfort, whether by physical touch or emotions. 

So Penny slowly made her way out of bed and quietly made her way into the bathroom. She quickly freshened up for the morning (not bothering to change out of her pj's), and left as Damien was getting out of bed.

She smiles, "Did you sleep ok?"

Damien looks over to her and gives her a small (almost unnoticeable) smile, "Yes, thank you."

Damien quickly made his way over to the door, but halfway there he stopped, turned around and made his way over to her. Without saying anything Damien gave her a quick hug (as a thank you), and ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Penny is left startled for a moment before a a bright smile appears on her face. Before Penny left her room to go downstairs (which she would do in her pajamas, because if she's going to be nervous and tell a really big secret, she's going to be comfortable) she checked her phone. Both Ned and MJ texted her, and she obviously answered back, telling them that she's ok. She then walked over to her door and stopped in front of it. Before opening it and braving her way downstairs, Penny takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She shakes her body and opens the door.

She soon finds herself downstairs and in kitchen. She herd Alfred in there, and knew that the boys (minus Damien) are in the living room, and Bruce is in his office. 

"Good morning Alfred," Penny says walking over to him. 

Alfred turns to her and gives her a smile, "Good morning Miss Penny, how did you sleep."

"Surprisingly well for being nervous."

Alfred gives her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry Miss Penny, it'll be alright. Would you like something small to eat?"

Penny nods. She's quiet for a moment. Alfred already knows because Bruce knows, meaning that she should tell him about her metabolism. Alfred notices her quietness and looks at her before giving her a look that says, 'tell me what you're thinking'. Getting the message from him, Penny starts talking.

"Because of my powers I have an increased metabolism, meaning I need to eat more than the regular person. I could eat a whole big breakfast right now and still be hungry in time for lunch."

Alfred makes a noise in recognition, "Well I'm glad you told me. I'll make you a good full breakfast."

Penny smiles, "Thanks Alfred."


By the time Penny had finished her nice breakfast, Damien had joined and had something small. The pair finished around the same time so together they went to the living room where the boys are. From there Penny could hear Bruce making his way out of his office, probably to the living room, so the conversation could start. 

Penny took a seat on the couch next to Damien and Jason. No one got the chance to say anything since Alfred and Bruce walked and and grabbed everyone's attention. 

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